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- Task Type Bug Report
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- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version Current one
FS#318 - strace can not handle conditional SWI's
I found a bug when I tried to debug my code with strace.
It happens when strace has to handle conditional SWI's.
Example: (ASM code) save as "condswi.s"
_globl _start
mov r0,#0 @ return code
mov r7,#1 @ sys_exit
swine 0
swieq 0
The code assembles/links fine using 'as' and 'ld'.
> as condswi.s
> ld a.out -o condswi
When I want to strace the executable file I got the following error.
> strace ./condswi
'syscall: unknown syscall trap 0x1f000000'
As a result strace quits.
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"_globl" should be ".globl"