Additional Applications

Please use this project to report any application bugs. This is NOT the place to report bugs in applications shipped as part of the internal OS. This should be used for applications pulled in from official OpenPandora software feeds (OPKG/IPK etc.) or additional applications officially released by OpenPandora. Please read this page to find out how to properly report bugs:

ID Project Category Task Type Severity Summary Status Progress Operating System
333Additional ApplicationsApplicationBug ReportLow30 sec 95% cpu spike by openbox upon "xmodmap ~/.pndXmo...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Command is essencial when switching between kb layouts

I'm using

strace (openbox process):

xmodmap latest version (1:1.0.4-r0.5) reinstalled

318Additional ApplicationsApplicationBug ReportVery Lowstrace can not handle conditional SWI'sUnconfirmed
All Task Description

I found a bug when I tried to debug my code with strace.

It happens when strace has to handle conditional SWI's.

Example: (ASM code) save as "condswi.s"
_globl _start
mov r0,#0 @ return code
mov r7,#1 @ sys_exit
swine 0
swieq 0

The code assembles/links fine using 'as' and 'ld'.
> as condswi.s
> ld a.out -o condswi

When I want to strace the executable file I got the following error.
> strace ./condswi
'syscall: unknown syscall trap 0x1f000000'
As a result strace quits.


295Additional ApplicationsApplicationBug ReportLowMaking the pnd file executableUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Hi there,

it would be neat if an rc script containing this could be added to the os (and run on startup) :

if [ ! -e /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register ];then
modprobe binfmt_misc
mount -t binfmt_misc none /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
echo ":squashPND:M::hsqs::/usr/bin/pnd_run:">/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register

That render all the SquashFS executable directy by clicking them on the icon. Sadly there is no way to pass the arguments to the apps (as pnd_run dont support that).
A similar line could be added to support iso pnd.

256Additional ApplicationsApplicationFeature RequestMediumClosed lid apps (i.e. audio recording/playback) should ...Unconfirmed
All Task Description

When the lid is closed the only remaining buttons on the Pandora are the L + R shoulder buttons and the power slider.
Applications operating in this mode should utilize that few available buttons!

Example for button utilization in a audio playback software:
L + R at once: Toggle Play/Pause
L hold: fast backward
R hold: fast forward
L click: jump to previous song
R click: jump to next song
L double click: jump to previous album/artist
R double click: jump to next album/artist

218Additional ApplicationsApplicationBug ReportLownc (netcat) can't create tcp connectionsUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Zaxxon Hotfix 5.

Example (dropbear is running):

~# nc -vvvv localhost 22
Notice: Real hostname for localhost [] is localhost.localdomain
Total received bytes: 0
Total sent bytes: 0

~# telnet localhost 22

All required libraries seem present, strace output is inconclusive.

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