Additional Applications

  • Status Unconfirmed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Operating System Release 1 (Zaxxon)
  • Priority Very Low
  • Reported Version Current one
Attached to Project: Additional Applications
Opened by set3 - 19.07.2012

FS#295 - Making the pnd file executable

Hi there,

it would be neat if an rc script containing this could be added to the os (and run on startup) :

if [ ! -e /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register ];then
modprobe binfmt_misc
mount -t binfmt_misc none /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
echo ":squashPND:M::hsqs::/usr/bin/pnd_run:">/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register

That render all the SquashFS executable directy by clicking them on the icon. Sadly there is no way to pass the arguments to the apps (as pnd_run dont support that).
A similar line could be added to support iso pnd.

I did this a couple years ago, and it worked okay ..

Problem of course is >1 app inside the pnd, which is why I never pursued it :/

I think we came up with the idea once of doing .pnx file, an 'executable pnd' .. same thing as a pnd, but implies the first app is runnable, and you register that type as executable binfmt, but not regular pnds.. or something.


set3 commented on 19.07.2012 04:09

Sure if the PND have more than one apps then .... but anyway, that's stil better than nothing.
Yet it bring a bit a userfriendliness and if pnd_run is educated to support arguments (aka pass its tailing arguments as a -a "" to then starting an avi file become just : "mplayer.pnd file.avi" which is rather nice for the users ;)

porg commented on 19.07.2012 13:29

AFAIK, if one installs the PND_utils it is then possible to run:
pqr application.pnd arg1 arg2 arg3


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