Additional Applications

  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Operating System All
  • Priority High
  • Reported Version Current one
Attached to Project: Additional Applications
Opened by porg - 26.01.2012
Last edited by porg - 17.05.2013

FS#271 - BugTracker: File attachment does not work

If you want to file a new bug:

The button "Attach a file (max. 2 MiB)" cannot be clicked.

I watched its HTML code.
It should trigger a function called uploadfilebox().
But many of the embedded javascript files are not loaded, as the server reports them as missing (404).

Please make sure that the FireFly installation is complete, serving all files necessary.

Closed by  porg
17.05.2013 21:54
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Additional comments about closing:  ED upgraded to the latest Flyspray in May 2013, which should hopefully have fixed that (at least it worked for him when he made a test)
porg commented on 04.09.2012 12:01

I reported this over a half year ago. And nothing was done about it.
People in the bug tracker are complaining about this missing core functionality, i.e. in FS#299.
Please do something about it!

I am curious why these things take so long at OpenPandora:
1) Does EvilDragon have a problem with handing over responsibility
2) or is the problem that there is no-one else competent + willing to do it?

For fairness, I have to say that EvilDragon gave me admin privileges and I went through all the bug tracker's settings, and gave him a compiled report (via the mailinglist) what works and what doesn't. That was the best, I could do. Fixing, which requires web space file access and web server software knowledge, which I as a "deputy admin" lack, would be the "real" admin's duty then.


Why should I have a problem with handing over responsibility for it?

I'm happy for anyone to fix things here, no one has asked yet though.

porg commented on 04.09.2012 21:04

I see it the same way as you, and appreciate help, if offered.
So it is definitely (2), no-one else competent + willing to do it.
As mentioned, sadly I feel not competent enough for it. Otherwise I'd help out.
Hope some-one will come and help you & the community with this!

WANTED: Admin for web server based software (such as bugtracker, forum, etc) !!!


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