All Projects

ID Project  asc Category Task Type Severity Summary Status Progress Operating System
320OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowBluetooth connection lost after wake-up from sleep modeUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When an internet connection was established through a mobile phone (Android, tethering) via bluetooth, the internet connection will not be re-established when the Pandora was sent to sleep and woken up again. The Pandora seems to be connected to the mobile phone, but no internet connection can be established, not even when manually trying to connect. The only way out is to disable bluetooth and enable it again.

I had similar problems with WiFi, before notaz tweaked the system (—-power-saving-is-clearly-the-culprit/?p=249036).

324OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowSticky keys setting for shift key disabling itself afte...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The sticky keys option is disabling itself for the shift key. It continues to work with the left shoulder button though.

Unfortunately I have no idea what triggers the  sticky option to be disabled. Sometimes it happens after 1-2 minutes, sometimes it takes longer.

I would also like to point out that using the shoulder button instead of the shift button it _not_ an option! This issue has been reported in the forums, but apperantly was never fixed.

325OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowImpossible to not set password at first boot Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The Wiki states that the Pandora can be used without setting a user password on first boot. But when the password and password confirmation field are left empty, an error pops up saying that there is a password missmatch.

(Please don't fix this bug by just changing the statement in the Wiki ;-)

326OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowXFCE menu not expandingl with stylys and scrolling brok...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The XFCE menu does not always show submenues like "Emulators" when being clicked on with the stylus. It only works if the click lasts long or after all menues have been clicked at once with a long click.

Also, tipping on a scroll arrof of menues that are higher than the screen causes the click to be registered as a "click and hold". This leads to the menu being scrolled all the way to the end.

327OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLowContext menu for the XFCE menuUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Right now. the XFCE menu handles right clicks like left clicks. It would be more logical to either not do anything on a right click, or open a context menu that e.g. lets the user generate a link to an application on the desktop.

328OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowXFCE desktop icons not displayed when logging on too qu...Requires testing
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

It looks like XFCE cannot find the icons for links/launchers on the desktop, when the user logs on too quickly. This happens either when the session chooser at start-up is disabled, or when the session is being chosen quickly after the session chooser is being displayed (e.g. by pressing enter as soon as the chooser window pops up). The icons are probably not generated yet at that time point.


A simple workaround is adding the command "xfdesktop --reload" to autostart. Couls this be included in the next SuperZaxxon release or a hotfix?

329OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowScreen turns on when LCD closedUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Issue: The screen accidentally turns on even when the lid is closed.

How to reproduce: "Screen blanking" must be enabled! Close the lid, wait more than 10 minutes, tap either shoulder button.  This behaviour happens whether on charge or battery, at the desktop or running an application, provided that the "screen blanking" option is enabled.

Desired outcome: When the Pandora comes out of "screen blanking", it should restore the brightness to the same value that it was before blanking.

330OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowNetworkManager crashes after suspend to RAMUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Suspend to RAM uses less power than the low power mode, but the NetworkManager crashes often after the Pandora woke up from suspend to RAM.

This could be fixed with an update of NetworkManager.

331OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMediumHold switch key continuously sends X11 KeyPress events ...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When put into Hold mode, X11 handles the power switch as if it's being pressed, and it generates lots of keypress events, passing them to the foreground application. Since /dev/input/eventX does not seem to continuously trigger, I'm guessing it's due to key repeat.

To reproduce:

  • Install xev and open it in the terminal

  • Put the power key in HOLD mode

  • Notice the "time" value changing rapidly

In addition to causing more work to X, it also floods the active application with key presses, resulting in increased CPU usage. In my test, switching to HOLD while Firefox is in the foreground causes it to use 6% CPU and X an additional 2.5%.

In addition, the key-press events continue even after the switch is taken off HOLD until another key is pressed.

A possible solution to this is to blacklist the power-button event device, to prevent evdev from listening to it (the key is handled by pndevmapperd).

336OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMediumTouch screen sensitivity too lowUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The touch screen requires to be used with the stylus or another sharp object. Even if I need to click a desktop icon, and could as well use my finger, the touch screen won't react to my finger at all (even if pressed quite hard).

104OpenPandora Main OSBase OSBug ReportLowAAC decoder libfaad doesn't appear to be compiled as fi...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

FAAD2 appears to not be compiled with fixed point decoding. My version of libfaad compiled with fixed point used 2-3x less cpu than the provided one. It's not enough to provide the switch to the configure script. the file libfaad/common.h has to be edited and a define uncommented. Line 68 in the v2.7 source.


/* use double precision */
/* use fixed point reals */
//#define FIXED_POINT <<<<<------------

118OpenPandora Main OSBase OSFeature RequestLowadd sdl-perl to the base OSUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Hi there,

Many games depend on sdl-perl. Perl and sdl are part of the base OS, but not not the connection between the two.


121OpenPandora Main OSBase OSBug ReportMediumPyGame Hardware supportNew
All Task Description

PyGame is damn slow (games with scrolling are not at all playable).
Would be nice if Hardware surface could be used :)

123OpenPandora Main OSBase OSFeature RequestLowSuggestions for the Pandora-ButtonNew
All Task Description

My suggestion instead of a full menu, would be to have a tiny overlay over the current running application which allows you to:
- relogin (to close all running applications)
- quit (stop the active application)
- shows the last notifications / toaster messages which you missed while being in a fullscreen app.
- possibly even something like plugin support or icons to check out the wifi-strength etc. from fullscreen apps.

Implementation wise this could possibly be done using
- a topmost window and the same content rendered in screenspace in a GLES hook (which should draw over most applications)
- one of the DSS2 overlays maybe

It's definitely something to consider as it was requested on the forums a few times (~"xbox like menu in games").

124OpenPandora Main OSBase OSBug ReportLowifup doesn't like dhclientUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

I added:
iface usb0 inet dhcp

And ran:
ifup usb0

But dhclient simply prints usage.

156OpenPandora Main OSBase OSFeature RequestVery LowAsk to format SD CardUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When I have received my Pandora, I got an SD Card but it was not formated. I didn't have any card reader so I didn't now what was wrong (the Pandora or the SD Card).

When an unformated SD Card is inserted in the Pandora, it should be nice to ask if we want to format it.

158OpenPandora Main OSBase OSBug ReportMediumRefresh rate and BPPUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

On OS Zaxon (hotfix 3).

With "xfconf-query", the resolution is 800x480@60 Hz.
But with the tool in the menu "Settings" -> "Display", the resolution is 800x480@0 Hz.

With Java (opensdk-6-jre 6b18-1.8),


return 1 display mode that is 800x480@0 Hz with a BPP of -1.

It seems to be the reason that GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice().getDisplayMode() return null
and when closing a java application that goes in fullscreen mode to throw an exception (invalid display mode).

159OpenPandora Main OSBase OSBug ReportMediumSystem > Run PND Application menu item does nothingUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

With both Hotfix 3 and Hotfix 4 Beta the Run PND Application menu item fails to do anything.

Possibly related problem is that PND files newly copied to SD card are not recognized and entered on desktop as expected.
When you go to Thunar and right click - execute the PND file, nothing happens.
Possible fix by copying the PND to another folder on the SD card with Thunar.
This makes at least two PND files I had work.

Still no response with "Run PND Application" menu, though.

105OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestVery LowNubs feature requestNew
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The 'Nubs' application needs a setting for deadzone. Using the nubs in First person shooters the nubs trigger in directions when not even touched. An adjustment for deadzone would eliminate accidental movement caused by vibration.

Also, application profiles for the nubs would be very useful. Different apps use the nubs in different ways and it would be great to not have to go and change settings before launching each application.

106OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestVery LowAppData corruptionUnconfirmed
All Task Description

The appdata folder was corrupted on my SD card from an unclean eject this made the folder read only until i ran a repaired it. MiniMenu still displayed all my PND files.

When clicking to launch the app would try to load crash and then return to MiniMenu without any visible error. This was pretty confusing and i thought it might be a good fix for a troubleshooting guide.

135OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportLowOOM Killer causes loss of items in xfce4-panel configur...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When the Pandora runs out of memory and the Out-Of-Memory killer fires, the Applications/Settings/xfce4/panel/panels.xml loses the entries for the menu button and the power monitor.

216OpenPandora Main OSApplicationTo Do (Reminder)LowToDo - SD manager tool (backup homedir/restore, prepare...New
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Should make up a simple zenity script tool ..

- backup -> pick SD -> backs up current user's homedor to SD. (tar.gz format so permissions can be kept; not cpio/etc, too annoying for user.) -> keep rolling, or just one copy?
- restore -> pick SD -> pick user -> confirm -> wipe home and restore with version from tarball? (or just unpack in-place, so existing new files are kept)
-> prepare SD -> pick SD -> mkdir /pandora/menu and /pandora/desktop

217OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowAdd Mounting and unmounting context options for PND'sUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

It'll have to be in the SKEL.

People can replace the contents of their current uca.xml file with the following to gain this functionality now.

<?xml encoding="UTF-8" version="1.0"?>
<name>Open Terminal Here</name>
<command>exo-open --working-directory %f --launch TerminalEmulator</command>
<description>Example for a custom action</description>
<name>Mount PND</name>
<command>/usr/pandora/scripts/ -p %f -m &amp;&amp; thunar /mnt/utmp/</command>
<name>Unmount PND</name>
<command>/usr/pandora/scripts/ -p %f -u</command>

222OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportLowLogin Screen does not accept all symbols of the form Fn...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Problem - Login Screen does not accept all symbols of the form Fn+char
Reproducibility - always
Actual results - the characters :?#|$€"‘£¥@!_ do not work on the Login Screen with the Pandora's keyboard. When fn then the corresponding character is pressed, nothing is added to the string.
Expected results - these characters should appear just like any other character
Work Around - an external keyboard was able to enter these characters
Aditional Information - While the characters :?#|$€"‘£¥@!_ do not work, the characters ;/\'-+=`() work just fine.

238OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowQuick key access to OK in dialoguesUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In many GUI dialogues the default action button (OK, ACCEPT, YES, …) cannot be triggered with a simple key press. Pressing ENTER triggers the element which has focus (usually the first dialogue element), but not the default action, as most computer users would expect!

MY WORKAROUND MEANWHILE: Press ALT plus the underlined letter of your desired action. But that's not very convenient as the underlined letter needs to be looked upon first, as the button label can differ from situation to situation (ACCEPT, OK, YES, …) and then 2 keys need to be pressed.

SUGGESTED SOLUTION: The custom of many operating systems should be adapted on the OpenPandora as well. SPACE triggers the currently focused element (whatever that may be: list item, radio button, checkbox, etc), and ENTER triggers the default action of that dialogue.
Or even better use the Pandora specific A/B/Y/X keys cleverly in those dialogues/selections. I don't know whether there is a standard functionality assignment within this key-group, in MiniMenu "B" is start/confirm, I do not know of any other standard assignments yet.

239OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowMiniMenu: New option: Grid stop horizontalUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
240OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowMiniMenu shall return into full screen mode (more quick...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
242OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestMediumPressing SHIFT + any key in sequence creates the modifi...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
243OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestMediumMiniMenu: Pressing successive character keys should com...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
244OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowInclude man and the manpagesUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
246OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportMediumClipboard content of closed app gets tossed instead of ...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
250OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestMediumFile Browser Thunar - Trashing file crosses filesystem ...Researching
Release 2 (.next)
253OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestMediumSwitch GUI: Intelligent automatic choiceUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
258OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportLowMiniMenu: Pressing key multiple times only cycles focus...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
262OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportMediumMiniMenu: 1) "Notes line" cannot be deleted. 2) Note li...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
265OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportMediumMiniMenu: Flawed tab display of sub-categories if they ...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
335OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportLowEvince 2.30 crashes when fullscreenUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
Showing tasks 51 - 87 of 87 Page 2 of 2

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