All Projects

ID Project Category Task Type Severity Summary Status Progress  desc Operating System
217OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowAdd Mounting and unmounting context options for PND'sUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

It'll have to be in the SKEL.

People can replace the contents of their current uca.xml file with the following to gain this functionality now.

<?xml encoding="UTF-8" version="1.0"?>
<name>Open Terminal Here</name>
<command>exo-open --working-directory %f --launch TerminalEmulator</command>
<description>Example for a custom action</description>
<name>Mount PND</name>
<command>/usr/pandora/scripts/ -p %f -m &amp;&amp; thunar /mnt/utmp/</command>
<name>Unmount PND</name>
<command>/usr/pandora/scripts/ -p %f -u</command>

218Additional ApplicationsApplicationBug ReportLownc (netcat) can't create tcp connectionsUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Zaxxon Hotfix 5.

Example (dropbear is running):

~# nc -vvvv localhost 22
Notice: Real hostname for localhost [] is localhost.localdomain
Total received bytes: 0
Total sent bytes: 0

~# telnet localhost 22

All required libraries seem present, strace output is inconclusive.

222OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportLowLogin Screen does not accept all symbols of the form Fn...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Problem - Login Screen does not accept all symbols of the form Fn+char
Reproducibility - always
Actual results - the characters :?#|$€"‘£¥@!_ do not work on the Login Screen with the Pandora's keyboard. When fn then the corresponding character is pressed, nothing is added to the string.
Expected results - these characters should appear just like any other character
Work Around - an external keyboard was able to enter these characters
Aditional Information - While the characters :?#|$€"‘£¥@!_ do not work, the characters ;/\'-+=`() work just fine.

236OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowCannot unmount SD-CardUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

SD-Card in Pandora can only be unmounted by guest (uid=1000) but not by jgeiss (uid=1001).

Steps To Reproduce:

Insert SD-Card (or boot with SD-Card inserted),
Login as jgeiss (uid=1001),
Try to unmount SD-Card via XFCE-Popup-Menu (right mouse click on SD-Card-Icon and select unmount).

238OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowQuick key access to OK in dialoguesUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In many GUI dialogues the default action button (OK, ACCEPT, YES, …) cannot be triggered with a simple key press. Pressing ENTER triggers the element which has focus (usually the first dialogue element), but not the default action, as most computer users would expect!

MY WORKAROUND MEANWHILE: Press ALT plus the underlined letter of your desired action. But that's not very convenient as the underlined letter needs to be looked upon first, as the button label can differ from situation to situation (ACCEPT, OK, YES, …) and then 2 keys need to be pressed.

SUGGESTED SOLUTION: The custom of many operating systems should be adapted on the OpenPandora as well. SPACE triggers the currently focused element (whatever that may be: list item, radio button, checkbox, etc), and ENTER triggers the default action of that dialogue.
Or even better use the Pandora specific A/B/Y/X keys cleverly in those dialogues/selections. I don't know whether there is a standard functionality assignment within this key-group, in MiniMenu "B" is start/confirm, I do not know of any other standard assignments yet.

239OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowMiniMenu: New option: Grid stop horizontalUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

I am suggesting the new option "Grid stop horizontal" for MiniMenu with the following possible settings and their effect.

Yes -> If the boundary is reached the focus remains there.
No -> If the boundary is reached the focus starts at the opposite side again.
Jump to next/prev line -> If the boundary is reached the focus jumps to the next/previous line and the opposite side.

240OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowMiniMenu shall return into full screen mode (more quick...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

If you set MiniMenu's option "Live (not exit) on app run?" to YES, and you quit an application and return to the still running MiniMenu, it runs in windowed mode, and takes about 2 seconds until it goes into full screen mode again.

This delay should at best be not noticeable at all, at most 0-1 seconds.

244OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowInclude man and the manpagesUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The command line environment of the default OS does not include the command "man" and the respective manpages of the installed programs.
I personally often use manpages, as I hardly remember the syntax/arguments of all programs I use.
Having them would be very convenient!


Some may argue that storage space is quite limited on the NAND.

Yes I agree. Hence the number of included programs is limited too. Hence it would not be all too many manpages.

When I press TAB into an empty Terminal prompt, I get 1406 possibilities, which is about the amount of available commands/programs if we ignore aliases, etc.

Multiply that with an average of 20 kb per manpage, and you get about 30 MB in total. With compression this could possibly be brought down to 15-20 MB.


A) Store into the NAND the manpages of core OS CLI programs only, and not all the library/system/etc documentation.

B) Include only the man command into the core OS, and compile/configure it in such a fashion, that it finds the manpages within non-NAND media (SD card, USB volume, etc).
b1) Specify that it simply looks into a certain path within the /media/*/pandora/ structure.
b2) Or offer PND packages like man-core.pnd, man-extended.pnd,... you get the idea or even man-custom.pnd (which would look into its appdata or a certain path for custom added manpages, to somehow get the b1 approach within the PND approach).

251OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLowSD Mass Storage: Possibility to host multiple volumesUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

a) Host multiple volumes at once.
b) Select one for hosting first, later host additional ones. (I guess this scenario is more complicated)

252OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLowPower management: If power cable is plugged ignore "Shu...New
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

If the power cable is plugged and the user chooses "Shutdown Pandora" from a menu, there should be a warning that this is without purpose, as the device will automatically restart.

The resulting user choices should be "Cancel shutdown" and "Shutdown nevertheless".

258OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportLowMiniMenu: Pressing key multiple times only cycles focus...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

EXAMPLE: MiniMenu with the option "Subcategories as folders" YES, and the current active tab i.e. "Game" lists:

Subgenre folders: ActionGame, AdventureGame, ArcadeGame, BlocksGame, …
App items: Abuse, Amoeboax, Arkaniod, Bloqus, …

THE BUG: Pressing "A" multiple times only cycles the focus between folders (ActionGame, AdventureGame, ArcadeGame), but never reaches the app items (Abuse, Amoeboax, Arkaniod).

BESIDES THIS BUG in the current keyboard item selection logic, I kindly inquire to implement: FS#243

269OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowThunar Slow ExitUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Thunar takes a long time going back to minimenu on exit. You don't notice this when in XFCE but then you are always in the GUI not returning to it.

This started in Hotfix 6 Alpha4 I believe

288OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLowadd functionality to inputrcUnconfirmed
All Task Description

Since the default inputrc doesn't contain any functionality (simple cli movements like ctrl-left or crtrl-right to skip words don't work) this diff may be useful to add to the cli-experience. I've also been trying to get the delete-key to work, but this is apparently already a known issue (see FS#227). I can remove this from the diff if you want. (I couldn't attach a file to the task somehow)

< # "\e[3~": delete-char
< # "\e[2~": quoted-insert
> #"\e[3~": delete-char
> "\e[^?": delete-char
> "\e[2~": quoted-insert
< # "\e[5C": forward-word
< # "\e[5D": backward-word
< # "\e\e[C": forward-word
< # "\e\e[D": backward-word
> "\e[1;5C": forward-word
> "\e[1;5D": backward-word
> "\e[5C": forward-word
> "\e[5D": backward-word
> "\e\e[C": forward-word
> "\e\e[D": backward-word

292OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowCan't seek in ogg files using pygame / SDLUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Using pygame I try to play a music file starting from some position in the middle::

import pygame

This should start playing the file from the firs minute, instead on the pandora the file plays from the start.

I've tried the same code in a debian (sid) chroot (from extend utils) and it works correctly, as it does on my pc (debian wheezy).

I suspect that the issue may be present also in .next (I've done a very quick test on a friend's pandora).

Some relevant version numbers:

* (on debian
* (on debian

295Additional ApplicationsApplicationBug ReportLowMaking the pnd file executableUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Hi there,

it would be neat if an rc script containing this could be added to the os (and run on startup) :

if [ ! -e /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register ];then
modprobe binfmt_misc
mount -t binfmt_misc none /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
echo ":squashPND:M::hsqs::/usr/bin/pnd_run:">/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register

That render all the SquashFS executable directy by clicking them on the icon. Sadly there is no way to pass the arguments to the apps (as pnd_run dont support that).
A similar line could be added to support iso pnd.

296OpenPandora Development OSBackend / CoreBug ReportLowupowerd fails to open file /proc/timer_statsUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description


Upowerd spams each 10 seconds with warning "failed to open file '/proc/timer_stats'".

According to this feature can be activated in kernel. I'm not sure if upowerd can be told not to check this feature, I haven't been able to find an specific option for that so far. Activating this option in kernel, this warning should be eliminated.

It would help give upowerd data it needs, and also it will stop filling up the log, which then I guess interferes with power saving (active file access while writing into log...).

297OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowpandora button and taskbar autohideUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When the taskbar is set to autohide, the Pandora button does not bring up the menu anymore.

299OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug does not follow PXML.xml or "-d"-ParameterAssigned
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

I call with a pnd. The application directory will invariably be /media/SD/pandora/appdata/<app-id>, no matter if the PXML.xml specifies a different appdata path. Also, the parameter -d for is not followed, either.

I tried with vlc.pnd from the app store and with Dosbox74.pnd.

UPDATE: Original submission contained a wrong filename reference. Corrected that typo to the filename intended by the submitter. Admin: porg.

300OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowSuperZaxxon interprets on-disk FAT32 filenames differen...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

With SuperZaxxon Final, I've noticed that stuff running on the Pandora like Thunar and bash are seeing a different interpretation of filenames on disk than when I remove the SD card and insert it into my desktop PC.

Specifically, the following two mismatches appear to be present when using a FAT32-formatted SD card:

First, the Pandora's VFAT support seems to be be operating with different case-handling settings than desktop Linux distros.

Filenames set in all uppercase are forced to all-lowercase on the Pandora (whether they're set on the desktop or the Pandora) but inserting the card into a PC reveals that the. All-lowercase filenames set by software on the Pandora risk appearing in all uppercase when the card is inserted into a PC. (I think the grsync PND is what created the files in question)

Among other things, this forces me to use EITHER the PND-based copy of grsync over the network OR a desktop-based copy of rsync with an SD card reader but not both because the kernel will preserve case differences like ALBION.BAT vs. albion.bat but rsync think they are separate files. (resulting in Flash-killing, time-wasting deletion and re-creation)

It also makes for irritating entries like "zzt" in DOSBox or "ddr" in PyDance where I can't capitalize the filename properly without employing Department of Redundancy Department with "DDR Songs" or "ZZT.The.Game" as an excuse for mixed case.

Second, SuperZaxxon Final seems to be using a different (though still Unicode-capable) filename encoding than all the desktop distros I've tried.

Filenames are preserved properly and all-ASCII filenames are displayed properly in all cases, but any non-ASCII characters appear as gibberish on whichever system was not used to set them.

I've confirmed this problem with these two filenames:
- 03 - The Foggy Dew with Sinéad O'Connor.flac
- Lucky Star - Native Misao (Touhou - Native Faith) ???????????????????×??????.mp4

As a Canadian user, my desktops use the "en_CA.utf8" locale and the only other distros I've found which have this problem are Slax and the 1.0 release of its successor, Porteus, both of which use ISO-8859-1 (latin1) for filenames.

308OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowWireless Network being dropped asks for passwordUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When a Wireless Network that is dropped because its signal strength isn't that good gets reconnected to, I am being asked to re-input the password for that network. It would be nice if it just used the password I gave to it when it was able to connect without popping up that dialog box.

320OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowBluetooth connection lost after wake-up from sleep modeUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When an internet connection was established through a mobile phone (Android, tethering) via bluetooth, the internet connection will not be re-established when the Pandora was sent to sleep and woken up again. The Pandora seems to be connected to the mobile phone, but no internet connection can be established, not even when manually trying to connect. The only way out is to disable bluetooth and enable it again.

I had similar problems with WiFi, before notaz tweaked the system (—-power-saving-is-clearly-the-culprit/?p=249036).

324OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowSticky keys setting for shift key disabling itself afte...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The sticky keys option is disabling itself for the shift key. It continues to work with the left shoulder button though.

Unfortunately I have no idea what triggers the  sticky option to be disabled. Sometimes it happens after 1-2 minutes, sometimes it takes longer.

I would also like to point out that using the shoulder button instead of the shift button it _not_ an option! This issue has been reported in the forums, but apperantly was never fixed.

325OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowImpossible to not set password at first boot Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The Wiki states that the Pandora can be used without setting a user password on first boot. But when the password and password confirmation field are left empty, an error pops up saying that there is a password missmatch.

(Please don't fix this bug by just changing the statement in the Wiki ;-)

326OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowXFCE menu not expandingl with stylys and scrolling brok...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The XFCE menu does not always show submenues like "Emulators" when being clicked on with the stylus. It only works if the click lasts long or after all menues have been clicked at once with a long click.

Also, tipping on a scroll arrof of menues that are higher than the screen causes the click to be registered as a "click and hold". This leads to the menu being scrolled all the way to the end.

327OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLowContext menu for the XFCE menuUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Right now. the XFCE menu handles right clicks like left clicks. It would be more logical to either not do anything on a right click, or open a context menu that e.g. lets the user generate a link to an application on the desktop.

328OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowXFCE desktop icons not displayed when logging on too qu...Requires testing
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
329OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowScreen turns on when LCD closedUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
330OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowNetworkManager crashes after suspend to RAMUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
333Additional ApplicationsApplicationBug ReportLow30 sec 95% cpu spike by openbox upon "xmodmap ~/.pndXmo...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
335OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportLowEvince 2.30 crashes when fullscreenUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
65OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestVery Low.desktop files, be nice if they included the non-englis...New
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
105OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestVery LowNubs feature requestNew
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
106OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestVery LowAppData corruptionUnconfirmed
110OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportVery LowBattery percentage static in MiniMenuUnconfirmed
156OpenPandora Main OSBase OSFeature RequestVery LowAsk to format SD CardUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
270OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportVery LowPower-slider & lid-close events: XFCE observes user set...New
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
318Additional ApplicationsApplicationBug ReportVery Lowstrace can not handle conditional SWI'sUnconfirmed
Showing tasks 51 - 87 of 87 Page 2 of 2

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