All Projects

ID Project Category Task Type  desc Severity Summary Status Progress Operating System
261OpenPandora Main OSCoreTo Do (Reminder)HighOverview of all current KEYBOARD INPUT related issuesUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Built-in keyboard input is a central thing on the Pandora, as it concerns almost all user interfaced apps!
I realized that I myself and also others submitted quite many reports concerning this issue.
Hence this meta issue is intended as an overview/accumulation/aid for those devs who are willing to overwork the whole issue.
If you realize new related issues, feel free to add them here.
If this my effort is contradicting the OpenPandora workflow, then pardon me, and instruct me, how else to handle issues of that kind. Thanks!

Keyboard low level: Driver, keyboard layout, post processing (hotkeys, input support, etc)
FS#138 FS#227 FS#242  FS#259 

Keyboard mid level: Application interfacing
 FS#102  FS#123 FS#238

Keyboard application internal level
 FS#157  (dupe:  FS#249 ) FS#243 FS#256

12OpenPandora Main OSCoreTo Do (Reminder)Lowfile association for .pndNew
All Task Description

Build the xml file and defaults.list so that pnd_run is file-assocated to .pnd

216OpenPandora Main OSApplicationTo Do (Reminder)LowToDo - SD manager tool (backup homedir/restore, prepare...New
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Should make up a simple zenity script tool ..

- backup -> pick SD -> backs up current user's homedor to SD. (tar.gz format so permissions can be kept; not cpio/etc, too annoying for user.) -> keep rolling, or just one copy?
- restore -> pick SD -> pick user -> confirm -> wipe home and restore with version from tarball? (or just unpack in-place, so existing new files are kept)
-> prepare SD -> pick SD -> mkdir /pandora/menu and /pandora/desktop

106OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestVery LowAppData corruptionUnconfirmed
All Task Description

The appdata folder was corrupted on my SD card from an unclean eject this made the folder read only until i ran a repaired it. MiniMenu still displayed all my PND files.

When clicking to launch the app would try to load crash and then return to MiniMenu without any visible error. This was pretty confusing and i thought it might be a good fix for a troubleshooting guide.

118OpenPandora Main OSBase OSFeature RequestLowadd sdl-perl to the base OSUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Hi there,

Many games depend on sdl-perl. Perl and sdl are part of the base OS, but not not the connection between the two.


156OpenPandora Main OSBase OSFeature RequestVery LowAsk to format SD CardUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When I have received my Pandora, I got an SD Card but it was not formated. I didn't have any card reader so I didn't now what was wrong (the Pandora or the SD Card).

When an unformated SD Card is inserted in the Pandora, it should be nice to ask if we want to format it.

209OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestMediumShutdown after a full chargeUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

That still need to be configurable, but chris_c does a good job I'ld like to see integraded in the main image :
and :

210OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestMediumWader - cross platform graphical assistant for 3g conne...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

this would be really usefull to monitor reception/network of mobile broadband dongle and it also counts ur mobile data usage (for those that have limits).

217OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowAdd Mounting and unmounting context options for PND'sUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

It'll have to be in the SKEL.

People can replace the contents of their current uca.xml file with the following to gain this functionality now.

<?xml encoding="UTF-8" version="1.0"?>
<name>Open Terminal Here</name>
<command>exo-open --working-directory %f --launch TerminalEmulator</command>
<description>Example for a custom action</description>
<name>Mount PND</name>
<command>/usr/pandora/scripts/ -p %f -m &amp;&amp; thunar /mnt/utmp/</command>
<name>Unmount PND</name>
<command>/usr/pandora/scripts/ -p %f -u</command>

238OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowQuick key access to OK in dialoguesUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In many GUI dialogues the default action button (OK, ACCEPT, YES, …) cannot be triggered with a simple key press. Pressing ENTER triggers the element which has focus (usually the first dialogue element), but not the default action, as most computer users would expect!

MY WORKAROUND MEANWHILE: Press ALT plus the underlined letter of your desired action. But that's not very convenient as the underlined letter needs to be looked upon first, as the button label can differ from situation to situation (ACCEPT, OK, YES, …) and then 2 keys need to be pressed.

SUGGESTED SOLUTION: The custom of many operating systems should be adapted on the OpenPandora as well. SPACE triggers the currently focused element (whatever that may be: list item, radio button, checkbox, etc), and ENTER triggers the default action of that dialogue.
Or even better use the Pandora specific A/B/Y/X keys cleverly in those dialogues/selections. I don't know whether there is a standard functionality assignment within this key-group, in MiniMenu "B" is start/confirm, I do not know of any other standard assignments yet.

239OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowMiniMenu: New option: Grid stop horizontalUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

I am suggesting the new option "Grid stop horizontal" for MiniMenu with the following possible settings and their effect.

Yes -> If the boundary is reached the focus remains there.
No -> If the boundary is reached the focus starts at the opposite side again.
Jump to next/prev line -> If the boundary is reached the focus jumps to the next/previous line and the opposite side.

240OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowMiniMenu shall return into full screen mode (more quick...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

If you set MiniMenu's option "Live (not exit) on app run?" to YES, and you quit an application and return to the still running MiniMenu, it runs in windowed mode, and takes about 2 seconds until it goes into full screen mode again.

This delay should at best be not noticeable at all, at most 0-1 seconds.

242OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestMediumPressing SHIFT + any key in sequence creates the modifi...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description


If you hold your Pandora in your hands, you only have your thumbs for typing, hence your typing abilities are quite limited.

It is hard to press more than 2 keys, and hard to press 2 keys on the same side, as your second thumb does not reach the opposite side all too easy (except you have a basketball player's hands).

The modifier keys Start/ALT Select/CTRL Pandora/(META, I guess?) are in the middle of the keyboard, hence the can easily pressed together with another key. But SHIFT lies at an ergonomically problematic side (left boundary). Hence hard to press with other left side keys.


I suggest that Pandora OS offers an optional and configurable input help.

[1|2|3 presses | hold for duration x] SHIFT [timeout y] [modifier key 2] [timeout z] key

Produces the same result like SHIFT + modkey2 + key

Very likely modifier key 2 and timeout z are not necessary, as you can trigger the SHIFT hold (by your defined action), and then press the modifier key 2 and the other key at once, as the other modifier keys are laid at a central (ergonomically better) position.

243OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestMediumMiniMenu: Pressing successive character keys should com...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Imagine this tab content:
Nubs, Pandora Input, PNDstore.


Pressing "P" and "N" is succession jumps to "Nubs" eventually, as it first jumps to the first "P" item ("Pandora Input"), then to the first "N" item, "Nubs".


That it acts like in most Linux file browsers or the Mac OS X Finder.

In detail: Pressing "P" and "N" within a certain time limit should combine them to the string "PN" and jump to the first item which starts with that string, i.e. "PNDStore". If no item matches, reduce the combination string by one character, try to match again, if that doesn't match, try matching again with one character less, ... , until only one character is left, and if that one doesn't match jump to the nearest previous lexicographical character, which matches.

244OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestLowInclude man and the manpagesUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The command line environment of the default OS does not include the command "man" and the respective manpages of the installed programs.
I personally often use manpages, as I hardly remember the syntax/arguments of all programs I use.
Having them would be very convenient!


Some may argue that storage space is quite limited on the NAND.

Yes I agree. Hence the number of included programs is limited too. Hence it would not be all too many manpages.

When I press TAB into an empty Terminal prompt, I get 1406 possibilities, which is about the amount of available commands/programs if we ignore aliases, etc.

Multiply that with an average of 20 kb per manpage, and you get about 30 MB in total. With compression this could possibly be brought down to 15-20 MB.


A) Store into the NAND the manpages of core OS CLI programs only, and not all the library/system/etc documentation.

B) Include only the man command into the core OS, and compile/configure it in such a fashion, that it finds the manpages within non-NAND media (SD card, USB volume, etc).
b1) Specify that it simply looks into a certain path within the /media/*/pandora/ structure.
b2) Or offer PND packages like man-core.pnd, man-extended.pnd,... you get the idea or even man-custom.pnd (which would look into its appdata or a certain path for custom added manpages, to somehow get the b1 approach within the PND approach).

251OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLowSD Mass Storage: Possibility to host multiple volumesUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

a) Host multiple volumes at once.
b) Select one for hosting first, later host additional ones. (I guess this scenario is more complicated)

253OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestMediumSwitch GUI: Intelligent automatic choiceUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

If only 2 GUIs are available, skip the user selection and switch right into the only other GUI. What else would the user want?! Right!

If more than 2, already set the focus in the GUI list to the next possible item.

256Additional ApplicationsApplicationFeature RequestMediumClosed lid apps (i.e. audio recording/playback) should ...Unconfirmed
All Task Description

When the lid is closed the only remaining buttons on the Pandora are the L + R shoulder buttons and the power slider.
Applications operating in this mode should utilize that few available buttons!

Example for button utilization in a audio playback software:
L + R at once: Toggle Play/Pause
L hold: fast backward
R hold: fast forward
L click: jump to previous song
R click: jump to next song
L double click: jump to previous album/artist
R double click: jump to next album/artist

288OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLowadd functionality to inputrcUnconfirmed
All Task Description

Since the default inputrc doesn't contain any functionality (simple cli movements like ctrl-left or crtrl-right to skip words don't work) this diff may be useful to add to the cli-experience. I've also been trying to get the delete-key to work, but this is apparently already a known issue (see FS#227). I can remove this from the diff if you want. (I couldn't attach a file to the task somehow)

< # "\e[3~": delete-char
< # "\e[2~": quoted-insert
> #"\e[3~": delete-char
> "\e[^?": delete-char
> "\e[2~": quoted-insert
< # "\e[5C": forward-word
< # "\e[5D": backward-word
< # "\e\e[C": forward-word
< # "\e\e[D": backward-word
> "\e[1;5C": forward-word
> "\e[1;5D": backward-word
> "\e[5C": forward-word
> "\e[5D": backward-word
> "\e\e[C": forward-word
> "\e\e[D": backward-word

293OpenPandora Development OSBackend / CoreFeature RequestMediummigration to systemd: populate-volatile.shUnconfirmed
Release 2 (.next) Task Description

populating volatile requires execution of initialization script, which I had to minimally modify for it to start working. I am placing that file to /usr/pandora/init/ folder.

Any suggestions for better place for custom init scripts? :)

This script fixes utmp (and pndnotifyd) problem for systemd image

Noticed problems (TODO):
boot sequence recreates cache, run and tmp dirs before populate-volatile inits them. One of the solutions would be to deploy system with symlinks already in place (pointing to /var/volatile subdirs)




/etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/populate-volatile.service

URLs for files:

307OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestMediumChange how Automatic Shutdown worksUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When thee Pandora is shutting down because its almost out of power, it should check to make sure that the nub inputs are set to the default mode (which is mouse movement for the left nub and mouse buttons for the right nub). If not, it should change them to be like that.

309OpenPandora Development OSBackend / CoreFeature RequestMediumPlease add xz support in the kernel so squashfs images ...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Please add support for xz compression in the kernel so squashfs tools can compress better the png images.

327OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLowContext menu for the XFCE menuUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Right now. the XFCE menu handles right clicks like left clicks. It would be more logical to either not do anything on a right click, or open a context menu that e.g. lets the user generate a link to an application on the desktop.

65OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestVery Low.desktop files, be nice if they included the non-englis...New
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

.desktop files only include the English stuff right now (using the .desktop default tags.)

Be nice if in addition to 'title', we also include 'title[de]' type extras, whatever is in the PXML.xml

pnd_pxml_t includes all the goods, but pnd_disco_t has only the summarized english stuff.

105OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestVery LowNubs feature requestNew
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The 'Nubs' application needs a setting for deadzone. Using the nubs in First person shooters the nubs trigger in directions when not even touched. An adjustment for deadzone would eliminate accidental movement caused by vibration.

Also, application profiles for the nubs would be very useful. Different apps use the nubs in different ways and it would be great to not have to go and change settings before launching each application.

123OpenPandora Main OSBase OSFeature RequestLowSuggestions for the Pandora-ButtonNew
252OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLowPower management: If power cable is plugged ignore "Shu...New
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
206OpenPandora Development OSBackend / CoreFeature RequestLowFirst Boot Wizard - Controls assignment screen neededResearching
Release 2 (.next)
250OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestMediumFile Browser Thunar - Trashing file crosses filesystem ...Researching
Release 2 (.next)
104OpenPandora Main OSBase OSBug ReportLowAAC decoder libfaad doesn't appear to be compiled as fi...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
110OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportVery LowBattery percentage static in MiniMenuUnconfirmed
124OpenPandora Main OSBase OSBug ReportLowifup doesn't like dhclientUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
135OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportLowOOM Killer causes loss of items in xfce4-panel configur...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
148OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowadd standard library path to to help l...Unconfirmed
155OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMediumCritical problems after rescaling GLES2 X windowsUnconfirmed
158OpenPandora Main OSBase OSBug ReportMediumRefresh rate and BPPUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
159OpenPandora Main OSBase OSBug ReportMediumSystem > Run PND Application menu item does nothingUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
178OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowMount-loop when booting from SD-cardUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
179OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLow.vimrc-preset for user but not for rootUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
185OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowXorg driver should not be dependant on user environmentUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
190OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMediumRemoving desktop-shortkeys does not workUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
191OpenPandora Development OSCoreBug ReportLowAdd XInput extention to allow pressure sensivity in app...Unconfirmed
Release 2 (.next)
204OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMediumfonts issuesUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
218Additional ApplicationsApplicationBug ReportLownc (netcat) can't create tcp connectionsUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
222OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportLowLogin Screen does not accept all symbols of the form Fn...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
223OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug kills gles contextUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
225OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMediumads7846 reports odd pressure valuesUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
227OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowDelete button won't delete, and function lock doesn't w...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
229OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportHighEnable wake on alarm interrupts Unconfirmed
236OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowCannot unmount SD-CardUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
Showing tasks 1 - 50 of 87 Page 1 of 2

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