All Projects

ID Project Category Task Type Severity Summary Status  asc Progress Operating System
262OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportMediumMiniMenu: 1) "Notes line" cannot be deleted. 2) Note li...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Steps to reproduce the bug(s):

1) In MiniMenu select an arbitrary app.
2) Press SPACE to bring up the contextual menu.
3) Select "Edit notes line 1".
4) Insert your string and confirm.
5) Now at a later time you may decide to remove your note line again. Therefore you select the same app again in MiniMenu, then repeat steps 2-3, but this time:

a) Erase all characters so that you get an empty string and then confirm. RESULT: Your change is simply ignored! There should be a possibility within MiniMenu to remove/reset note lines, the simplest being to simply accept an empty string as an input, that's what an average user will try if s/he does not find a dedicated "Delete note line" command.

b) As a workaround I tried something and detected yet another bug! As I could not create an empty string, I simply created a note line only containing 1 SPACE character (=the string " ") and confirmed. This got accepted.

If MiniMenu is in detailed view mode (press the A-button or TAB in order to bring it up, if it is not already there) and you slide over an app whose note line is " ", MiniMenu crashes!

Maybe the bug is connected with the writing to / the parsing from the .OVR (override) files which MiniMenu creates for the affected files, as the separating value in OVR files seems to be TAB, and SPACE is also WHITESPACE, therefore some parsers probably skip/misinterpret this, and MiniMenu then catches an unexpected situation!

WORKAROUND: If you ran into the problem, that you cannot get rid of the note lines anymore, simply start a file browser of your choice, navigate to the location of the affected .PND file and find its sister .OVR (override) file and delete it or edit it accordingly!

265OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportMediumMiniMenu: Flawed tab display of sub-categories if they ...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

I assigned personal subcategories to some of my games.
Some of those subcategories share the same beginning string, i.e: Shooter, ShooterBallistic ShooterScoller.
MiniMenu displays those subcategories with flaws! See the ASCII screenshots below.
Note: The star symbols indicate the currently active selection.

The main category tab "Game" being active:

| All | Audio | AudioVideo | Education |*Game*| Graphics |
ActionGame AdventureGame ArcadeGame BlocksGame ...
Shooter ShooterBallistic ShooterScroller ...
GameA GameB GameC ...

Now if I navigate into the sub-category "Shooter", everything normal:

.. ShooterA ShooterB ShooterC ...

But if I navigate to the sub-category "ShooterBallistic", strangely MiniMenu shows 2 tabs, "Shooter" and "ShooterBallistic", and jumps right into "Shooter".

|*Shooter*| ShooterBallistic |
.. ShooterA ShooterB ShooterC ...

In order to reach my intended tab "ShooterBallistic" I need to navigate to it again. Annoying. There the contents are as expected:

| Shooter |*ShooterBallistic*|
.. ShooterBallisticA ShooterBallisticB ShooterBallisticC

The flaw is the same for all other sub-categories beginning with "Shooter...". All have the flaw as shown in the example "ShooterBallistic", only that it is themselves instead of "ShooterBallistic". One more example to be perfectly clear:

| Shooter |*ShooterScroller*|
.. ShooterScrollerA ShooterScrollerB ShooterScrollerC

269OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowThunar Slow ExitUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Thunar takes a long time going back to minimenu on exit. You don't notice this when in XFCE but then you are always in the GUI not returning to it.

This started in Hotfix 6 Alpha4 I believe

288OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLowadd functionality to inputrcUnconfirmed
All Task Description

Since the default inputrc doesn't contain any functionality (simple cli movements like ctrl-left or crtrl-right to skip words don't work) this diff may be useful to add to the cli-experience. I've also been trying to get the delete-key to work, but this is apparently already a known issue (see FS#227). I can remove this from the diff if you want. (I couldn't attach a file to the task somehow)

< # "\e[3~": delete-char
< # "\e[2~": quoted-insert
> #"\e[3~": delete-char
> "\e[^?": delete-char
> "\e[2~": quoted-insert
< # "\e[5C": forward-word
< # "\e[5D": backward-word
< # "\e\e[C": forward-word
< # "\e\e[D": backward-word
> "\e[1;5C": forward-word
> "\e[1;5D": backward-word
> "\e[5C": forward-word
> "\e[5D": backward-word
> "\e\e[C": forward-word
> "\e\e[D": backward-word

290OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMediumgnome-mount not availableUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

In GTK applications, such as Truecrypt, NoteCase Pro or Mousepad, the file open / file save dialogs have shortcuts to mounted file systems on the left side.
If clicking such a shortcut entry, the corresponding file system's contents are shown in the right dialog pane.
This works for file systems, which were available at boot time.
For file systems mounted after booting, e.g. by inserting an SD card or connecting a USB drive, when clicking such an entry, an error message appears saying
"Could not mount [volumen name]
Failed to execute child process 'gnome-mount' (No such file or directory)"

This is healed by
sudo opkg install gnome-mount
(which instals gnome-mount, nautilus, gvfsd-ftp, gvfs (upgrade), and a lot of libs (upgrades)..

This has been seen in SuperZaxxon release 1.5, not in Beta3 (but Beta3 is the only choice in Flyspray's dropdown currently).

I reported that error for HF6 I think, and it seemed to be fixed in SuperZaxxon Beta5. A regression?

292OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowCan't seek in ogg files using pygame / SDLUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Using pygame I try to play a music file starting from some position in the middle::

import pygame

This should start playing the file from the firs minute, instead on the pandora the file plays from the start.

I've tried the same code in a debian (sid) chroot (from extend utils) and it works correctly, as it does on my pc (debian wheezy).

I suspect that the issue may be present also in .next (I've done a very quick test on a friend's pandora).

Some relevant version numbers:

* (on debian
* (on debian

297OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowpandora button and taskbar autohideUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When the taskbar is set to autohide, the Pandora button does not bring up the menu anymore.

300OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowSuperZaxxon interprets on-disk FAT32 filenames differen...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

With SuperZaxxon Final, I've noticed that stuff running on the Pandora like Thunar and bash are seeing a different interpretation of filenames on disk than when I remove the SD card and insert it into my desktop PC.

Specifically, the following two mismatches appear to be present when using a FAT32-formatted SD card:

First, the Pandora's VFAT support seems to be be operating with different case-handling settings than desktop Linux distros.

Filenames set in all uppercase are forced to all-lowercase on the Pandora (whether they're set on the desktop or the Pandora) but inserting the card into a PC reveals that the. All-lowercase filenames set by software on the Pandora risk appearing in all uppercase when the card is inserted into a PC. (I think the grsync PND is what created the files in question)

Among other things, this forces me to use EITHER the PND-based copy of grsync over the network OR a desktop-based copy of rsync with an SD card reader but not both because the kernel will preserve case differences like ALBION.BAT vs. albion.bat but rsync think they are separate files. (resulting in Flash-killing, time-wasting deletion and re-creation)

It also makes for irritating entries like "zzt" in DOSBox or "ddr" in PyDance where I can't capitalize the filename properly without employing Department of Redundancy Department with "DDR Songs" or "ZZT.The.Game" as an excuse for mixed case.

Second, SuperZaxxon Final seems to be using a different (though still Unicode-capable) filename encoding than all the desktop distros I've tried.

Filenames are preserved properly and all-ASCII filenames are displayed properly in all cases, but any non-ASCII characters appear as gibberish on whichever system was not used to set them.

I've confirmed this problem with these two filenames:
- 03 - The Foggy Dew with Sinéad O'Connor.flac
- Lucky Star - Native Misao (Touhou - Native Faith) ???????????????????×??????.mp4

As a Canadian user, my desktops use the "en_CA.utf8" locale and the only other distros I've found which have this problem are Slax and the 1.0 release of its successor, Porteus, both of which use ISO-8859-1 (latin1) for filenames.

301OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMediumMissing X keybinding for colon symbolUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

As verified with xev, an attached bluetooth keyboard can not generate colon (shift semicolon). xmodmap shows that (unlike a standard Linux system) shift-semicolon is mapped to NoSymbol. While it's find that there's a special symbol to get semicolon on the built-in keyboard, the other binding really should be there in support of attached keyboards.

307OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestMediumChange how Automatic Shutdown worksUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When thee Pandora is shutting down because its almost out of power, it should check to make sure that the nub inputs are set to the default mode (which is mouse movement for the left nub and mouse buttons for the right nub). If not, it should change them to be like that.

308OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowWireless Network being dropped asks for passwordUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When a Wireless Network that is dropped because its signal strength isn't that good gets reconnected to, I am being asked to re-input the password for that network. It would be nice if it just used the password I gave to it when it was able to connect without popping up that dialog box.

315OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMediumPairing bluetooth SPP devices doesn't work with XFCEUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Hi, sadly the XFCE bluetooth manager seems to have problems with pairing simple SPP devices (an BT GPS mouse here).

1. Enable BT
2. BT Manager -> Add new device
3. Confirm Dialog and wait for scanning
4. Pick device
5. Select PIN options -> "0000" (here for me)
In next step the dialog still asks you to enter a random PIN at your BT device (which is impossible here).

Thus it seems, that the XFCE dialog makes troubles, I tried it with 2 different GPS. Pairing the GPS manually works fine:
sudo rfcomm connect rfcomm0 00:18:E4:26:5F:14

320OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowBluetooth connection lost after wake-up from sleep modeUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When an internet connection was established through a mobile phone (Android, tethering) via bluetooth, the internet connection will not be re-established when the Pandora was sent to sleep and woken up again. The Pandora seems to be connected to the mobile phone, but no internet connection can be established, not even when manually trying to connect. The only way out is to disable bluetooth and enable it again.

I had similar problems with WiFi, before notaz tweaked the system (—-power-saving-is-clearly-the-culprit/?p=249036).

324OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowSticky keys setting for shift key disabling itself afte...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The sticky keys option is disabling itself for the shift key. It continues to work with the left shoulder button though.

Unfortunately I have no idea what triggers the  sticky option to be disabled. Sometimes it happens after 1-2 minutes, sometimes it takes longer.

I would also like to point out that using the shoulder button instead of the shift button it _not_ an option! This issue has been reported in the forums, but apperantly was never fixed.

325OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowImpossible to not set password at first boot Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The Wiki states that the Pandora can be used without setting a user password on first boot. But when the password and password confirmation field are left empty, an error pops up saying that there is a password missmatch.

(Please don't fix this bug by just changing the statement in the Wiki ;-)

326OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowXFCE menu not expandingl with stylys and scrolling brok...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The XFCE menu does not always show submenues like "Emulators" when being clicked on with the stylus. It only works if the click lasts long or after all menues have been clicked at once with a long click.

Also, tipping on a scroll arrof of menues that are higher than the screen causes the click to be registered as a "click and hold". This leads to the menu being scrolled all the way to the end.

327OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLowContext menu for the XFCE menuUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Right now. the XFCE menu handles right clicks like left clicks. It would be more logical to either not do anything on a right click, or open a context menu that e.g. lets the user generate a link to an application on the desktop.

329OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowScreen turns on when LCD closedUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Issue: The screen accidentally turns on even when the lid is closed.

How to reproduce: "Screen blanking" must be enabled! Close the lid, wait more than 10 minutes, tap either shoulder button.  This behaviour happens whether on charge or battery, at the desktop or running an application, provided that the "screen blanking" option is enabled.

Desired outcome: When the Pandora comes out of "screen blanking", it should restore the brightness to the same value that it was before blanking.

330OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowNetworkManager crashes after suspend to RAMUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

Suspend to RAM uses less power than the low power mode, but the NetworkManager crashes often after the Pandora woke up from suspend to RAM.

This could be fixed with an update of NetworkManager.

331OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMediumHold switch key continuously sends X11 KeyPress events ...Unconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When put into Hold mode, X11 handles the power switch as if it's being pressed, and it generates lots of keypress events, passing them to the foreground application. Since /dev/input/eventX does not seem to continuously trigger, I'm guessing it's due to key repeat.

To reproduce:

  • Install xev and open it in the terminal

  • Put the power key in HOLD mode

  • Notice the "time" value changing rapidly

In addition to causing more work to X, it also floods the active application with key presses, resulting in increased CPU usage. In my test, switching to HOLD while Firefox is in the foreground causes it to use 6% CPU and X an additional 2.5%.

In addition, the key-press events continue even after the switch is taken off HOLD until another key is pressed.

A possible solution to this is to blacklist the power-button event device, to prevent evdev from listening to it (the key is handled by pndevmapperd).

335OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportLowEvince 2.30 crashes when fullscreenUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description


Evince 2.30 often crashes with the following error message:

(evince:2834): EvinceDocument-CRITICAL **: ev_image_save_tmp: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)' failed

Segmentation fault

How to reproduce: open Evince,  select a PDF file, go into fullscreen mode, then click into the body of the document.

Cheers, Magic Sam

336OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMediumTouch screen sensitivity too lowUnconfirmed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

The touch screen requires to be used with the stylus or another sharp object. Even if I need to click a desktop icon, and could as well use my finger, the touch screen won't react to my finger at all (even if pressed quite hard).

12OpenPandora Main OSCoreTo Do (Reminder)Lowfile association for .pndNew
All Task Description

Build the xml file and defaults.list so that pnd_run is file-assocated to .pnd

65OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestVery Low.desktop files, be nice if they included the non-englis...New
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

.desktop files only include the English stuff right now (using the .desktop default tags.)

Be nice if in addition to 'title', we also include 'title[de]' type extras, whatever is in the PXML.xml

pnd_pxml_t includes all the goods, but pnd_disco_t has only the summarized english stuff.

94OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowBacklight control by lid sensor not detected after bootNew
All Task Description

If you boot the system with the lid closed, the backlight will still be on when you get to the desktop. You have to lift the lid for an instant and then close again to shut it off. Perhaps this is because of the lack of trigger for an interrupt since the sensor is already activated. Can there be one extra check of the lid sensor after boot to cover this static position?

105OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestVery LowNubs feature requestNew
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
121OpenPandora Main OSBase OSBug ReportMediumPyGame Hardware supportNew
123OpenPandora Main OSBase OSFeature RequestLowSuggestions for the Pandora-ButtonNew
138OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLow'del' key (shift+backspace) not workingNew
216OpenPandora Main OSApplicationTo Do (Reminder)LowToDo - SD manager tool (backup homedir/restore, prepare...New
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
252OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLowPower management: If power cable is plugged ignore "Shu...New
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
270OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportVery LowPower-slider & lid-close events: XFCE observes user set...New
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
291OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMediumroot-owned pndrun_...out file makes PND refuse startingAssigned
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
299OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug does not follow PXML.xml or "-d"-ParameterAssigned
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
206OpenPandora Development OSBackend / CoreFeature RequestLowFirst Boot Wizard - Controls assignment screen neededResearching
Release 2 (.next)
250OpenPandora Main OSApplicationFeature RequestMediumFile Browser Thunar - Trashing file crosses filesystem ...Researching
Release 2 (.next)
328OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLowXFCE desktop icons not displayed when logging on too qu...Requires testing
Release 1 (Zaxxon)
Showing tasks 51 - 87 of 87 Page 2 of 2

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