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ID Project Category Task Type Severity Summary Status Progress Operating System  desc
 154 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportHigh Vpn doesn't work Closed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description

When clicking on the Network Manager Applet Symbol, then selecting "VPN Connections" and then "Configure VPN", all the buttons in the following dialoge are greyed out. There is no way to add a new vpn connection. Restarting the system or deactivating the WiFi and then reactivaing it doesn't help.

 132 OpenPandora Main OSBase OSBug ReportMedium Deleting big files doesn't work Closed
All Task Description

When deleting a file on the SD card, the Pandora OS moves it into the thrash folder in the internal memory. That itself isn't very nice (shouldn't there be a trash folder on the SD card as well, to reduce unnecessary copying?), but if the file is too big for the internal memory, a error message appears, and the file cannot be deleted on the Pandora directly.

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