236 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | Cannot unmount SD-Card | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
SD-Card in Pandora can only be unmounted by guest (uid=1000) but not by jgeiss (uid=1001). Steps To Reproduce: Insert SD-Card (or boot with SD-Card inserted), Login as jgeiss (uid=1001), Try to unmount SD-Card via XFCE-Popup-Menu (right mouse click on SD-Card-Icon and select unmount). |
307 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Feature Request | Medium | Change how Automatic Shutdown works | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
When thee Pandora is shutting down because its almost out of power, it should check to make sure that the nub inputs are set to the default mode (which is mouse movement for the left nub and mouse buttons for the right nub). If not, it should change them to be like that. |
327 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Feature Request | Low | Context menu for the XFCE menu | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
Right now. the XFCE menu handles right clicks like left clicks. It would be more logical to either not do anything on a right click, or open a context menu that e.g. lets the user generate a link to an application on the desktop. |
155 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Medium | Critical problems after rescaling GLES2 X windows | Unconfirmed | |
All |
Task Description
When a X window which is displaying GLES2 render output is: - Either dragged out of the visibile screen region (?) - Is made larger than it was at the creation time of the GLES2 context then: - The performance will drop significantly as the EGL buffer swaps won't occur as fast as before, - The render output will be corrupted and flicker - In rare occasions crashes the application or locks up the entire system (which forces you to remove the battery) The problem can not be solved without restarting the application (Possibly forcing players to complete the same goals again as they were unable to reach a savepoint or similar things). This was confirmed in Mupen64Plus and the PowerVR GLES Samples and some of my own projects (which are, however, based on the PowerVR samples). As I didn't see any other reports about this problems (but had it confirmed by other Pandora users too) I would expect that it can be fixed by using a newer X, kernel or combination of them as other OMAP users would be effected too. |
227 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | Delete button won't delete, and function lock doesn't w... | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
If you hit the function button, then hit it again to lock the function keys, it doesn't lock the function key. The delete key, hold shift and hit the back space button, it won't delete, meaning it won't remove the character to the right of the cursor. I saw this on the forum, and confirmed it on my pandora also. |
229 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | High | Enable wake on alarm interrupts | Unconfirmed | |
All |
Task Description
Found I'd kept some notes about making the Pandora's wake on alarm function work... drivers/rtc/rtc-twl4030.c twl4030_rtc_remove (for when the driver is removed) and twl4030_rtc_ shutdown (for when the system is shutdown) functions need to change. Or at least the shut down does. oh YUK who's been using goto.... changes in drivers/rtc/rtc-twl4030.c twl4030_rtc_remove commented out //mask_rtc_irq_bit(BIT_RTC_INTERRUPTS_REG_IT_ALARM_M); twl4030_rtc_shutdown replaced // mask_rtc_irq_bit(BIT_RTC_INTERRUPTS_REG_IT_TIMER_M | // BIT_RTC_INTERRUPTS_REG_IT_ALARM_M); with mask_rtc_irq_bit(BIT_RTC_INTERRUPTS_REG_IT_TIMER_M); twl4030_rtc_suspend replaced // mask_rtc_irq_bit(BIT_RTC_INTERRUPTS_REG_IT_TIMER_M | // BIT_RTC_INTERRUPTS_REG_IT_ALARM_M); with mask_rtc_irq_bit(BIT_RTC_INTERRUPTS_REG_IT_TIMER_M); twl4030_rtc_init added (before return!) twl4030_rtc_alarm_irq_set_state(true); Should probably check reg 0x2B with mask 0x08 to see if alarm should be left enabled or not ? but only in twl4030_rtc_shutdown and ?remove? NOT in twl4030_rtc_init should remove ever happen ??? I'm guessing it's best to not enable the alarm irq's all the time??? |
12 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | To Do (Reminder) | Low | file association for .pnd | New | |
All |
Task Description
Build the xml file and defaults.list so that pnd_run is file-assocated to .pnd |
204 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Medium | fonts issues | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
Ok, I just want to say that there is something missing about the font on the base image. I cant get what (at least for now) Here is an issue : http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?/topic/54282-getting-vnc-viewer-to-work/ With my current Ogre build I get : Warning: Unable to load any usable ISO8859 font Error: Aborting: no font found I've googled but so far no solution :( |
290 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Medium | gnome-mount not available | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
In GTK applications, such as Truecrypt, NoteCase Pro or Mousepad, the file open / file save dialogs have shortcuts to mounted file systems on the left side. If clicking such a shortcut entry, the corresponding file system's contents are shown in the right dialog pane. This works for file systems, which were available at boot time. For file systems mounted after booting, e.g. by inserting an SD card or connecting a USB drive, when clicking such an entry, an error message appears saying "Could not mount [volumen name] Failed to execute child process 'gnome-mount' (No such file or directory)" This is healed by sudo opkg install gnome-mount (which instals gnome-mount, nautilus, gvfsd-ftp, gvfs (upgrade), and a lot of libs (upgrades).. This has been seen in SuperZaxxon release 1.5, not in Beta3 (but Beta3 is the only choice in Flyspray's dropdown currently). I reported that error for HF6 I think, and it seemed to be fixed in SuperZaxxon Beta5. A regression? |
331 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Medium | Hold switch key continuously sends X11 KeyPress events ... | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
When put into Hold mode, X11 handles the power switch as if it's being pressed, and it generates lots of keypress events, passing them to the foreground application. Since /dev/input/eventX does not seem to continuously trigger, I'm guessing it's due to key repeat.
To reproduce:
- Install xev and open it in the terminal
- Put the power key in HOLD mode
- Notice the "time" value changing rapidly
In addition to causing more work to X, it also floods the active application with key presses, resulting in increased CPU usage. In my test, switching to HOLD while Firefox is in the foreground causes it to use 6% CPU and X an additional 2.5%.
In addition, the key-press events continue even after the switch is taken off HOLD until another key is pressed.
A possible solution to this is to blacklist the power-button event device, to prevent evdev from listening to it (the key is handled by pndevmapperd). |
325 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | Impossible to not set password at first boot | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
The Wiki states that the Pandora can be used without setting a user password on first boot. But when the password and password confirmation field are left empty, an error pops up saying that there is a password missmatch.
(Please don't fix this bug by just changing the statement in the Wiki ;-) |
260 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Medium | Low Power Mode: Input (keyboard, nub) still taken. Appl... | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
This is the related documentation: http://pandorawiki.org/Power_modes#Low_Power (Please update accordingly as part of the issue resolution) FROM MY USER EXPERIENCE: If you put the Pandora into Low Power Mode, then press some keys, and then wake the Pandora back into Normal Mode, your input (both keys and nubs, haven't tried with USB input yet) seem to have triggered something while the device was in Low Power Mode! What does really happen in Low Power Mode concerning execution and input? a) Input is received AND triggers as application execution continues or b) Kernel/driver queues the input signals into a buffer, and executes them on wake? If supposition a) or b) is true, then this would be one more reason to properly implement: FS#259 OBSERVANCE EXAMPLE 1: 1) Start MiniMenu. Mentally note down your active tab. 2) Put Pandora to Low Power Mode. 3) Press shoulder button R once. 4) Wake Pandora to Normal Mode. You are now one tab to the right of where you left. Input must have been caught in Low Power Mode, but wether execution of it happened while Low Power Mode or later after wake in Normal power Mode is unclear. OBSERVANCE EXAMPLE 2: 1) Start gedit (a text editor). Insert the digit "1". 2) Put Pandora to Low Power Mode. 3) Press: CTRL-N 2 CTRL-N 3 CTRL-N 4. (Without the spaces) 4) Wake Pandora to Normal Mode. 5) For a fraction of a second you see the tabs building up. Either the input was really received AND executed while Low Power Mode and what you see is just a delayed window manager refreshment, or the input was queued in Low Power Mode, and only executed on wake. |
301 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Medium | Missing X keybinding for colon symbol | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
As verified with xev, an attached bluetooth keyboard can not generate colon (shift semicolon). xmodmap shows that (unlike a standard Linux system) shift-semicolon is mapped to NoSymbol. While it's find that there's a special symbol to get semicolon on the built-in keyboard, the other binding really should be there in support of attached keyboards. |
178 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | Mount-loop when booting from SD-card | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
When booting the pandora-OS from sd-card by using the official tar, you will end up with your sd-card being mounted twice: once as / and once as /media/<label>. I solved this by adding "/dev/mmcblk0" to "/etc/udev/mount.blacklist". Maybe this should be added to the default tarball? I'm not sure as it might be used in other ways maybe (beside SD-card-installation)? Background: I ran "updatedb" as root and have been notified by a message that there was a mount-loop. After adding the above modification the system still booted fine and "updatedb" ran nicely without a warning. |
330 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | NetworkManager crashes after suspend to RAM | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
Suspend to RAM uses less power than the low power mode, but the NetworkManager crashes often after the Pandora woke up from suspend to RAM.
This could be fixed with an update of NetworkManager. |
223 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | High | op_power.sh kills gles context | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
opengles and op_power.sh don't like each other very much. whenever returning from low power to full power mode again, opengles rendering is just dead. the reason for this issue are following 2 lines within op_power.sh 18 echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/omapfb/graphics/fb0/blank ... 66 echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/omapfb/graphics/fb0/blank if these lines are removed/commented, the gles rendering just resumes fine. |
261 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | To Do (Reminder) | High | Overview of all current KEYBOARD INPUT related issues | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
Built-in keyboard input is a central thing on the Pandora, as it concerns almost all user interfaced apps! I realized that I myself and also others submitted quite many reports concerning this issue. Hence this meta issue is intended as an overview/accumulation/aid for those devs who are willing to overwork the whole issue. If you realize new related issues, feel free to add them here. If this my effort is contradicting the OpenPandora workflow, then pardon me, and instruct me, how else to handle issues of that kind. Thanks! Keyboard low level: Driver, keyboard layout, post processing (hotkeys, input support, etc) FS#138 FS#227 FS#242 FS#259 Keyboard mid level: Application interfacing
FS#102 FS#123 FS#238 Keyboard application internal level
FS#157 (dupe: FS#249 ) FS#243 FS#256 |
315 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Medium | Pairing bluetooth SPP devices doesn't work with XFCE | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
Hi, sadly the XFCE bluetooth manager seems to have problems with pairing simple SPP devices (an BT GPS mouse here). 1. Enable BT 2. BT Manager -> Add new device 3. Confirm Dialog and wait for scanning 4. Pick device 5. Select PIN options -> "0000" (here for me) In next step the dialog still asks you to enter a random PIN at your BT device (which is impossible here). Thus it seems, that the XFCE dialog makes troubles, I tried it with 2 different GPS. Pairing the GPS manually works fine: sudo rfcomm connect rfcomm0 00:18:E4:26:5F:14 |
297 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | pandora button and taskbar autohide | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
When the taskbar is set to autohide, the Pandora button does not bring up the menu anymore. |
252 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Feature Request | Low | Power management: If power cable is plugged ignore "Shu... | New | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
If the power cable is plugged and the user chooses "Shutdown Pandora" from a menu, there should be a warning that this is without purpose, as the device will automatically restart. The resulting user choices should be "Cancel shutdown" and "Shutdown nevertheless". |
270 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Power-slider & lid-close events: XFCE observes user set... | New | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
STATUS QUO: If you are in XFCE and hold the power slider for 3 seconds, you thereby trigger the shutdown command. For 3 more seconds a dialogue box gives you the chance to abort the shutdown ("Shutting down in 3…2…"). Now in MiniMenu no direct shutdown key is available. You first have to quit the running app (via PANDORA key), then call up the menu (via SELECT key), and then navigate to "Shutdown" and confirm it (by B or ENTER). INQUIRED BEHAVIOR: 1) Thanks to the very recent MiniMenu speedups, these 4 consecutive user interaction steps can now at least be be executed a lot faster. Nevertheless, offering a 1-button-interaction (via power slider) too, would be nice. Could you please make that available to MiniMenu? And in general: Make this power-slide-event available to any possible GUI, so that not each GUI has to implement this by itself, but rather the OS catches this event and handles it uniformly, except if a certain GUI WANTS to establish an exception to the rule. 2) Also the "Lid-Close-Settings" seem to be ignored by MiniMenu. MiniMenu seems to have the action "Turn off screen" hardcoded to that event. Please make MiniMenu observe the user settings from "Lid-Close-Settings". RELATED SOURCE CODE FILES (to my knowledge): op_lid.sh op_power.sh op_bright_up.sh op_bright_down.sh |
190 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Medium | Removing desktop-shortkeys does not work | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
Try clearing shortcuts in Start->Settings->Window Manager->Keyboard. That doesn't work (for me). This is a problem because these shortcuts are blocking key-combination in apps, like for example the keymapper in dosbox (CTRL+F1) or refreshing content (CTRL+F5). I tried manual editing or even deleting the configuration file, but changes are not recognized and the file recreated on reboot. |
291 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Medium | root-owned pndrun_...out file makes PND refuse starting | Assigned | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
If a PND has been run as root before (using pnd_run.sh from a root shell) and afterwards it is invoked the normal way, the PND doesn't start, because the .out file cannt be overwritten: /usr/pandora/scripts/pnd_run.sh: line 26: /tmp/pndrun_firefox.out: Permission denied Desired solution: .out file is silently overwitten. Maybe, if that's not possible, create another .out file with a different name (added counter, for example). Seen in SuperZaxxon relese 1.5, not in Beta3 as this task is flagged, but there is no choice besides Beta3. |
299 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | run_pnd.sh does not follow PXML.xml or "-d"-Parameter | Assigned | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
I call pnd_run.sh with a pnd. The application directory will invariably be /media/SD/pandora/appdata/<app-id>, no matter if the PXML.xml specifies a different appdata path. Also, the parameter -d for run_pnd.sh is not followed, either. I tried with vlc.pnd from the app store and with Dosbox74.pnd. UPDATE: Original submission contained a wrong filename reference. Corrected that typo to the filename intended by the submitter. Admin: porg. |
329 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | Screen turns on when LCD closed | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) |
Task Description
Issue: The screen accidentally turns on even when the lid is closed.
How to reproduce: "Screen blanking" must be enabled! Close the lid, wait more than 10 minutes, tap either shoulder button. This behaviour happens whether on charge or battery, at the desktop or running an application, provided that the "screen blanking" option is enabled.
Desired outcome: When the Pandora comes out of "screen blanking", it should restore the brightness to the same value that it was before blanking. |
251 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Feature Request | Low | SD Mass Storage: Possibility to host multiple volumes | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) | |
209 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Feature Request | Medium | Shutdown after a full charge | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) | |
324 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | Sticky keys setting for shift key disabling itself afte... | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) | |
300 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | SuperZaxxon interprets on-disk FAT32 filenames differen... | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) | |
269 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | Thunar Slow Exit | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) | |
336 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Medium | Touch screen sensitivity too low | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) | |
257 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Medium | TV Out script breaks XV/SDL Video playback | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) | |
210 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Feature Request | Medium | Wader - cross platform graphical assistant for 3g conne... | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) | |
308 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | Wireless Network being dropped asks for password | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) | |
328 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | XFCE desktop icons not displayed when logging on too qu... | Requires testing | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) | |
326 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | XFCE menu not expandingl with stylys and scrolling brok... | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) | |
185 | OpenPandora Main OS | Core | Bug Report | Low | Xorg driver should not be dependant on user environment | Unconfirmed | |
Release 1 (Zaxxon) | |