OpenPandora Main OS

  • Status Unconfirmed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category Core
  • Operating System Release 1 (Zaxxon)
  • Severity Low
  • Reported Version SuperZaxxon Final 1.53
Attached to Project: OpenPandora Main OS
Opened by bukkit - 16.08.2012

FS#297 - pandora button and taskbar autohide

When the taskbar is set to autohide, the Pandora button does not bring up the menu anymore.

I still don't know why it's using a script for this, when all you need to do is set it up in keyboard shortcuts to run "xfdesktop --menu". It's the first thing I change when I flash a new firmware.

Originally, I was told that it led to multiple popups of the menu, I've been running it using the keyboard shortcut for a long time and never experienced that. Time to switch it back?

I configured that in Settings/Desktop/Keyboard, "application shortcuts", but it gives me weird behaviour (context menu popping up, and disappearing, no menu).
I assume I have to resolve the mapping Pandora Button - ominous script, too.
Would you care to elaborate *how* XF86MenuKB (I assume) is mapped to *which* script? (Didn't find it in .pndXmodmap).
Or do I just unmap XF86MenuKB via xmodmap?


Once you set it up in the Settings->Desktop->Keyboard, you then need to sudo edit /etc/pandora/conf/eventmap and find the line:

pandora /usr/pandora/scripts/ 2

and insert a "#" symbol in front to remove it. Save and reboot.

Oh, by default, you won't see icons in the menu, to enable this IIRC you go to Settings->Desktop->Settings Editor; select the channel "xfce4-desktop", and change the setting of to TRUE.

Hm. Tried that, and it's reliable now, but the Pandora button is showing me the Desktop context menu (identical to Desktop-right-click), not the Pandora menu. Seems like I only have to find out the correct command to pop up the pandora menu.

Alright. The command should supposedly be xfce4-popup-menu (not xfdesktop --menu). The downside seems to be that you cannot quit the menu by pressing a second time, instead it opens a second menu instance. Well, I can live with that, better than with a non-working button in autohide.

Which of course, is the way we did it for the first year, and changed it to the current method due to complaints ;)

You know, I remember people telling me that when I originally asked back on the forum. I guess because I used 'xfdesktop --menu' that's why I never saw that problem.


Available keyboard shortcuts


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