- Status Assigned
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Category Core
- Operating System Release 1 (Zaxxon)
- Severity Medium
- Reported Version SuperZaxxon Beta 3
FS#291 - root-owned pndrun_...out file makes PND refuse starting
If a PND has been run as root before (using pnd_run.sh from a root shell) and afterwards it is invoked the normal way, the PND doesn't start, because the .out file cannt be overwritten:
/usr/pandora/scripts/pnd_run.sh: line 26: /tmp/pndrun_firefox.out: Permission denied
Desired solution:
.out file is silently overwitten.
Maybe, if that's not possible, create another .out file with a different name (added counter, for example).
Seen in SuperZaxxon relese 1.5, not in Beta3 as this task is flagged, but there is no choice besides Beta3.
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The outfile cannot be silently overwritten without doing very nasty tricks.
When the file already exist and is not writable then it should probably append the UID to the filename.
sound highly doable to me
Or just make the outfile 777? Then it shouldn't matter whether it belongs to root.
Silly me ;) thanks T4b
Is there any concept for protected PNDs (only for root access)? Then 777-ing the outfile could be a security hole, by it revealing root's secrets to standard users... just a thought. If there isn't such a concept, then 777-ing might be the best solution.