OpenPandora Main OS

  • Status Unconfirmed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Application
  • Operating System Release 1 (Zaxxon)
  • Severity Medium
  • Reported Version Hotfix 5
Attached to Project: OpenPandora Main OS
Opened by porg - 08.07.2011
Last edited by EvilDragon - 12.07.2011

FS#243 - MiniMenu: Pressing successive character keys should combine them to string and jump to matching item

Imagine this tab content:
Nubs, Pandora Input, PNDstore.


Pressing "P" and "N" is succession jumps to "Nubs" eventually, as it first jumps to the first "P" item ("Pandora Input"), then to the first "N" item, "Nubs".


That it acts like in most Linux file browsers or the Mac OS X Finder.

In detail: Pressing "P" and "N" within a certain time limit should combine them to the string "PN" and jump to the first item which starts with that string, i.e. "PNDStore". If no item matches, reduce the combination string by one character, try to match again, if that doesn't match, try matching again with one character less, ... , until only one character is left, and if that one doesn't match jump to the nearest previous lexicographical character, which matches.


Available keyboard shortcuts


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