OpenPandora Main OS

  • Status New
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type To Do (Reminder)
  • Category Application
  • Operating System Release 1 (Zaxxon)
  • Severity Low
  • Reported Version Hotfix 5
Attached to Project: OpenPandora Main OS
Opened by skeezix - 07.03.2011
Last edited by T4b - 17.09.2011

FS#216 - ToDo - SD manager tool (backup homedir/restore, prepare SD)

Should make up a simple zenity script tool ..

- backup -> pick SD -> backs up current user's homedor to SD. (tar.gz format so permissions can be kept; not cpio/etc, too annoying for user.) -> keep rolling, or just one copy?
- restore -> pick SD -> pick user -> confirm -> wipe home and restore with version from tarball? (or just unpack in-place, so existing new files are kept)
-> prepare SD -> pick SD -> mkdir /pandora/menu and /pandora/desktop

T4b commented on 04.05.2011 17:40

As a reminder to my self, when finishing this I'll also add F3 to test if SD cards are fake. F3 should really be included per default.

porg commented on 08.07.2011 13:34

The SD card is an essential part for every Pandora user. Therefore a utility for testing/preparing the card is very welcome!
Sadly there is a lot of cheating on the SD card market, hence it would be nice if the user had a utility which checks whether the dealers specs are true:
- A benchmark command for determining min/avg/max read/write speed.
- A test tool which tests for the real capacity.

T4b commented on 08.07.2011 14:53

Like I wrote, when I finish this (I don't know when, I should do some other stuff first and I also have got other stuff I would like to do but writing scripts for the Pandora) I'll include F3, a tool which tests the capacity of SD-Cards (or anything you want) and displays the speed while doing so. It's not a benchmark tool, but the speed measure should be enough to find out if the card is as fast as it should.

T4b commented on 17.09.2011 17:12

I lost all of what I made so far work because of a broken file system on one of my SDs (it's STUPID not to make backups, I know...).
Don't know if I'll feel like doing it again soon.

porg commented on 17.09.2011 18:06

I too experienced the repetition of a complete project from scratch, as I lost the original materials.
And to my surprise, "doing it all over" was not as bad as I thought. The second time you are more focused, and avoid a lot of in-between steps.
My encouragement to you! Good luck!

T4b commented on 17.09.2011 18:50

Yeah, the second time it won't take as much time.
I guess sooner or later I'll redo and finish the script if no one else is faster.

A common note in coding is .. a project is never done right until the 4th time through; never the first, sometimes the third if you're lucky. Most programs only get written once, maybe twice :)

So yeah, you'll do a good solid job this time ;)


T4b commented on 02.07.2012 19:01

Ah, fuck, have forgotten this for some time. I wouldn't bet on me doing it anytime soon either. Possibly I'll finish it sometime, but - not I don't think that's very likely. :-(
Oh well, after I've written something like this there is a chance I'll try to prove me wrong, but... see above.


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