OpenPandora Main OS

  • Status Unconfirmed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category Core
  • Operating System Release 1 (Zaxxon)
  • Severity Medium
  • Reported Version Hotfix 4
Attached to Project: OpenPandora Main OS
Opened by lomaxx - 28.09.2010

FS#190 - Removing desktop-shortkeys does not work

Try clearing shortcuts in Start->Settings->Window Manager->Keyboard. That doesn't work (for me).
This is a problem because these shortcuts are blocking key-combination in apps, like for example the keymapper in dosbox (CTRL+F1) or refreshing content (CTRL+F5). I tried manual editing or even deleting the configuration file, but changes are not recognized and the file recreated on reboot.

The root of the problem seems to be buried in the /etc/xdg-folder. When i completely move the "op"-folder away (!Warning! I do not know what exactly is being affected by this. For me the desktop still started, but it might not anymore.), then configuring and clearing window-manager shortcuts worked. Maybe it would be enough to remove one of the two shortcut-configuration files:


It seems as if both are being considered and confusing xfce/xfwm. Unfortunately i do not know which of the two is better to be removed. Changes of configuration are being stored in /home/<user>/Applications/Settings/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml. Without the op-directory in /etc/xdg/ everything seems to run nicely regarding shortcuts. clearing, assigning and storing beyond logging out and in again.

Note: There might be more files in the op-directory that confuse xfce4. Without the folder the xfce-PowerManager-applet is being shown. But maybe it is intentionally hidden? Anyway, someone should investigate if there are more "twin-files" in these directories, one of which should be removed.

There is still confusion going on. Today i noticed that after rebooting my Pandora the keyboard-application-shortcuts (not to be mixed up with keyboard-windowmanager-shorcuts) are not working. The strange thing: When i check them in settings, then they still are listed. When i then edit them and press "apply" without changing anything, then i can use them.

I just copied over my private shortkey.config from




and now shortcuts work properly after booting. The only conclusion i can draw out of this is that xfce READS the configuration from /etc/xdg/ but writes changes to /home/lomaxx/Applications/Settings/.

Gnah. Still having issues. I give up for today. But i noticed that xfce-variables are set in .xinitrc and from what i am experiencing i can say that this mechanism is not working. ;)


Available keyboard shortcuts


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