- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Category Core
- Operating System Release 1 (Zaxxon)
- Severity Low
- Reported Version SuperZaxxon Beta 4
Attached to Project: OpenPandora Main OS
Opened by bonbon-chan - 16.08.2010
Last edited by notaz - 02.01.2013
Opened by bonbon-chan - 16.08.2010
Last edited by notaz - 02.01.2013
FS#157 - Thunar and stilus
With Thunar 1.1 and OS Zaxon (hotfix 3) :
- with detail view
- I open Thunar
- I click with the stilus to select the SD card
- I double click with the stilus to open a folder
=> click with the stilus doesn't select file/folder anymore
(I know it is a known bug, but it is not in the list)
Closed by notaz
02.01.2013 12:09
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: fixed in SuperZaxxon 1.52 + "System->Upgrade pandora OS"
02.01.2013 12:09
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing: fixed in SuperZaxxon 1.52 + "System->Upgrade pandora OS"
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I can confirm this with detail view in hotfix 4 final as well.
FS#249is a duplicate of this one. cf http://bugs.openpandora.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=249Handling of the bug shall please be continued at
FS#249, as it contains more details (error codes, etc)!