OpenPandora Main OS

  • Status New
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category Core
  • Operating System All
  • Severity Low
  • Reported Version SuperZaxxon Beta 4
Attached to Project: OpenPandora Main OS
Opened by Ivanovic - 01.07.2010
Last edited by notaz - 31.08.2010

FS#138 - 'del' key (shift+backspace) not working

The title says everything: The 'del' key does not work. In theory you should have a del "event" when hitting shift+backspace. This is not the case in all progs I tested so far (terminal and default text editor with gui).

peca commented on 19.07.2010 19:39

I can confirm this. Seems to be due assigning Shift for windows moving. Anyway, in filemanager Shift+BS (= del) don't delete file and in MousePad it act as BS self.

set3 commented on 28.07.2010 18:17

+1 on this issue

Serious issue in my opinion as it makes some things like deleting files somewhat harder as key combos won't work
- Should have a higher priority and be included in the next hotfix.

You can fix this by making a small change in your ~/.pndXmodmap file.

Change line 72 from this:
keycode 118 = Insert NoSymbol Insert

to this:
keycode 118 = Delete Insert Delete

Load file:
xmodmap ~/.pndXmodmap

And from now on this how it works:

Backspace = Backspace
Fn + Backspace = Delete
Shift + Fn + Backspace = Insert

Personally i'd like to speak against some mapping with the insert key on shift. The normal way to "really" delete something (without using the paperbin) in a filemanager is shift+del. This would not be possible with Shift+FN+Backspace having some mapping.

porg commented on 31.08.2011 16:11

I also would prefer Shift + Backspace = Delete, and not a hack with the function key.
This bug still exists in Release 1, Hotfix 5, Beta 4.

confirmed for SuperZaxxon final, v. 1.51.

I also would like to be able to use the "del" key by pressing Shift + Backspace.

...and confirmed for SuperZaxxon v. 1.52, Kernel 3.2.30.


Available keyboard shortcuts


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Task Editing