OpenPandora Main OS

  • Status New
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Feature Request
  • Category Application
  • Operating System Release 1 (Zaxxon)
  • Severity Very Low
  • Reported Version SuperZaxxon Beta 4
Attached to Project: OpenPandora Main OS
Opened by Leesam - 16.06.2010
Last edited by notaz - 31.08.2010

FS#105 - Nubs feature request

The 'Nubs' application needs a setting for deadzone. Using the nubs in First person shooters the nubs trigger in directions when not even touched. An adjustment for deadzone would eliminate accidental movement caused by vibration.

Also, application profiles for the nubs would be very useful. Different apps use the nubs in different ways and it would be great to not have to go and change settings before launching each application.

Should this should be controlled by the application?...currently i already have a constant assigned for deadzone in all the nub enabled shooters. Of course I need to add an interface to make this adjustable as it seems the deadzone can vary from nub to nub

I'd only recommend it being controlled in the Nubs app because there aren't many games that allow you to adjust it currently. It might be more difficult to get individual devs to write up a way to adjust dead-zone than to have something to fix it across everything.

notaz commented on 31.08.2010 10:47

Because of the way nubs work, adding artificial dead zone would reduce the range of values they can return and would limit their usefulness. Like Pickle said, it should be handled by application really.


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