- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Category Base OS
- Operating System Release 1 (Zaxxon)
- Severity Very Low
- Reported Version Hotfix 3
Attached to Project: OpenPandora Main OS
Opened by twent4 - 14.06.2010
Last edited by EvilDragon - 12.11.2011
Opened by twent4 - 14.06.2010
Last edited by EvilDragon - 12.11.2011
FS#102 - Pandora key does not close XFCE menu
If the XFCE menu has been opened by a touchscreen command, it can also be closed by hitting the logo again. However, opening the menu this way and then hitting the Pandora key only spawns more instances of the menu. Least intrusive way to close those seems to be to select "Logout" and hit Cancel.
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It opens more instances of the mene because the check:
popuppid=$(pidof xfce4-popup-menu)
if [ $popuppid ]; then
echo "popup menu is already running"
su -c 'DISPLAY=:0.0 xfce4-popup-menu' - $xfceuser
in the file /usr/pandora/scripts/op_menu.sh doesn't work and it doesn 't because xfce4-popup-menu isn't the menu itself, it just launches it. So it's process is only there while opening the menu, but a second later not anymore.
I don't think the menu has got a process, but probably there is another way we could check if the menu is open and close it
Stupid reload reposted my comment.