OpenPandora Main OS

This project it to track issues relating to the current shipping OS only as found here Please state what Hotfix you are running with any issue report. Please ONLY use this to record issues for the main OS and its default included applications - any other application issue reports should go into the Additional Applications project. Issue reports with 'in development OS images' or feature requests for the next MAJOR version (not Hotfix release) should be placed into the OpenPandora Development OS project and reported on the mailing list Please read this page to find out how to properly report bugs:

IDCategory  ascTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusProgress
104Base OSBug ReportLowAAC decoder libfaad doesn't appear to be compiled as fi...Unconfirmed
Task Description FAAD2 appears to not be compiled with fixed point decoding. My version of libfaad compiled with fixed point used 2-3x less cpu than the provided one. It's not enough to provide the switch to the configure script. the file libfaad/common.h has to be edited and a define uncommented. Line 68 in the v2.7 source. /* COMPILE TIME DEFINITIONS */ /* use double precision */ /* #define USE_DOUBLE_PRECISION */ /* use fixed point reals */ //#define FIXED_POINT
 107 Base OSBug ReportLow Secure Wifi will not connect until XFCE is loaded Closed
Task Description My Pandora is set to load MiniMenu on boot. I can't use any networked apps because wifi will not automatically connect on boot. XFCE needs to be loaded at least once so that i can enter my keychain password. Once i've entered my password Wifi connects and i can return to MiniMenu.
118Base OSFeature RequestLowadd sdl-perl to the base OSUnconfirmed
Task Description Hi there, Many games depend on sdl-perl. Perl and sdl are part of the base OS, but not not the connection between the two. Cheers, sebt3
 119 Base OSFeature RequestLow ext4 support Closed
Task Description Don't know how much work this would be to get a later version of the linux firmware to add this, but it would be nice to have more filesystem support.
123Base OSFeature RequestLowSuggestions for the Pandora-ButtonNew
Task Description My suggestion instead of a full menu, would be to have a tiny overlay over the current running application which allows you to: - relogin (to close all running applications) - quit (stop the active application) - shows the last notifications / toaster messages which you missed while being in a fullscreen app. - possibly even something like plugin support or icons to check out the wifi-strength etc. from fullscreen apps. Implementation wise this could possibly be done using - a topmost window and the same content rendered in screenspace in a GLES hook (which should draw over most applications) or - one of the DSS2 overlays maybe It's definitely something to consider as it was requested on the forums a few times (~"xbox like menu in games").
124Base OSBug ReportLowifup doesn't like dhclientUnconfirmed
Task Description I added: iface usb0 inet dhcp And ran: ifup usb0 But dhclient simply prints usage.
 133 Base OSFeature RequestLow Add TiMidity++ to OS? Closed
Task Description Hey, was just wondering if it would be possible to have TiMidity++ ( added with a hotfix, would allow games/ports that use it (the Zelda ports here:, zdoom and heretic (I think unless pickles has changed them) and other stuff that uses it to not have to include it in the .pnd and saving SD space... just an idea...
 137 Base OSFeature RequestLow Default vim config Closed
Task Description The current vim install does come without any config file. By default this means vim does work in "vi compatible mode" which makes it hardly usable. The attached config file is meant to be used as ~/.vimrc, so it should be added to "/etc/skel/.vimrc". The file is partly based on the default config used by gentoo. Things this config file sets: * Start in "vim mode" by default * activate ruler * set width of linenumber in ruler * assume that the terminal uses a dark background * configure what hitting backspace removed (newlines, ...) * some magic to have different encoding formats working in a more sane way
 139 Base OSBug ReportLow Space should not be accepted in hostname Closed
Task Description If the user names their Pandora using a space in the name, "This will prevent Xfce from operating correctly". Should trap this when asking for a host name.
 145 Base OSFeature RequestLow missing tune2fs command Closed
Task Description bash: tune2fs: command not found Please include tune2fs into basic OS image. Would be handy for managing filesystem on SD cards.
 147 Base OSBug ReportLow Screen backlight is ON when starting with lid closed Closed
Task Description [HotFix3 installed] If you power up the Pandora and have the screen closed, the backlight will still go on. That should not happen. Right now you have to open it, close it and than the backlight turns off to save energy...
 160 Base OSBug ReportLow bug in date/time setting window Closed
Task Description first time i changed the date/time with no problems afterward every time when i try to change it it gives me "Please select month ..." this happens after selecting the time zone window.
 161 Base OSFeature RequestLow Add ftp to base OS Closed
Task Description Include the netkit-ftp package so the Pandora has at least basic ftp functionality out of the box.
 163 Base OSBug ReportLow DPMS related "display problems" Closed
Task Description Currently it looks like DPMS is active in xorg (eg when using XFCE). DPMS is normally used for stuff like turning the screen off to save energy. There seems to be no way to configure this while in XFCE. So the default xorg server values are used. At the moment the screen is turned off after 10mins of inactivity. Problems with this are a) that the time till it is turned off can not be configured b) after wakeup from such a DPMS related display shutdown the brightness is set to maximum. Solution to this: Deactivate the sleep values via xorg.conf. I am attaching a diff to "[openembedded.git] / recipes / xorg-xserver / xserver-xorg-conf / omap3-pandora / xorg.conf" changing those to "default off".
 174 Base OSFeature RequestLow Include modem-manager in base image Closed
Task Description Please consider including the modemmanager package in the base distibution. This allows 3G wireless dongles to work out of the box (configured via network-manager).
 73 Base OSFeature RequestMedium Nub: Change mouse speed, fix scrolling and add mouse bu ...Closed
Task Description Currently the nubs can be set to three different modes: mouse, scroll and absolute Mode 1 (mouse) works fine, but the speed is a bit slow. Mode 2 (scroll) has inverted scrolling and it would be nice if scrolling speed would change according to how far you move it Aditionally, I would suggest adding another mode: mbuttons (Mouse buttons). At the moment, you can use the nubs as mouse but don't have any mouse buttons. I think it would be very convenient if you could set the nubs as mouse buttons: Move the nub left for left click, right for right click, up for double click and down for middle click. That way, each user could use the left nub for mouse and the right nub for mouse buttons or vice versa.
 89 Base OSBug ReportMedium XFCE not loading up defaults when MiniMenu is selected  ...Closed
Task Description When mini menu is set to the default menuing system, XFCE settings (selected theme, pandora-specific key bindings) do not get loaded by default, they need to be forced by opening a terminal and typing xfwm4 --replace
 91 Base OSBug ReportMedium libaudiofile is installed by codec pack instead of in b ...Closed
Task Description Certain emulators such as Fuse are reliant on this file and I am assured it should be part of the default load-out (or rather in the HotFix) rather than in the codec pack as it's not a copyright issue.
 92 Base OSBug ReportMedium Startupmanager Closed
Task Description When trying to toggle Enable/Disable Autologin After initially enabling this feature, attempt was made to disable unsuccessfully. System says that it saves this info, upon reboot, login screen shows up again. Wifi toggle seems to work, as does Default GUI, & selecting default user
 95 Base OSBug ReportMedium Cannot Connect to Ad-Hoc WIFI Closed
Task Description I am Currently tethering my Mobile Network via my Android Phone I cannot connect on this WIFI ... it's a Ad-Hoc connection Everything else works, PC, Netbook's and iPod Touch But Pandora seems to have some problems
 115 Base OSBug ReportMedium OS is missing Closed
Task Description Please add to next hotfix, srb2 needed this file. My temporary hack was to modify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (didnt like having to so this, but I think the way srb2 is loading the library it wouldnt work without it) and include the library in the pnd. Once this lib is added ill do an update on srb2 and remove the LD hack.
 120 Base OSBug ReportMedium Python is missing some modules Closed
Task Description It seems like Python is missing some modules (like cgi) which should be included in the base installation.
121Base OSBug ReportMediumPyGame Hardware supportNew
Task Description PyGame is damn slow (games with scrolling are not at all playable). Would be nice if Hardware surface could be used :)
 122 Base OSFeature RequestMedium SDL 1.2 optimizations Closed
Task Description At the moment, SDL is a bit slow and has vsync problems (tearing, etc.). It could need optimizations to use the hardware.
 129 Base OSBug ReportMedium [PATCH] bluetooth script fails to store/restore bluetoo ...Closed
Task Description Patch to attached.
 132 Base OSBug ReportMedium Deleting big files doesn't work Closed
Task Description When deleting a file on the SD card, the Pandora OS moves it into the thrash folder in the internal memory. That itself isn't very nice (shouldn't there be a trash folder on the SD card as well, to reduce unnecessary copying?), but if the file is too big for the internal memory, a error message appears, and the file cannot be deleted on the Pandora directly.
 151 Base OSFeature RequestMedium [PATCH] Turn Off LCD when closing the lid Closed
Task Description Just added a few lines to, will power off the LCD when you close the LID. Patch attached.
158Base OSBug ReportMediumRefresh rate and BPPUnconfirmed
Task Description On OS Zaxon (hotfix 3). With "xfconf-query", the resolution is 800x480@60 Hz. But with the tool in the menu "Settings" -> "Display", the resolution is 800x480@0 Hz. With Java (opensdk-6-jre 6b18-1.8), GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice().getDisplayModes() return 1 display mode that is 800x480@0 Hz with a BPP of -1. It seems to be the reason that GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice().getDisplayMode() return null and when closing a java application that goes in fullscreen mode to throw an exception (invalid display mode).
159Base OSBug ReportMediumSystem > Run PND Application menu item does nothingUnconfirmed
Task Description With both Hotfix 3 and Hotfix 4 Beta the Run PND Application menu item fails to do anything. Possibly related problem is that PND files newly copied to SD card are not recognized and entered on desktop as expected. When you go to Thunar and right click - execute the PND file, nothing happens. Possible fix by copying the PND to another folder on the SD card with Thunar. This makes at least two PND files I had work. Still no response with "Run PND Application" menu, though.
 141 Base OSBug ReportHigh When using an unlabeled SD card, Hotfix3 final can't un ...Closed
Task Description I had beta 1 of hotfix 3, and there turning the pandora into a cardreader worked fine for that card. However, I just installed the latest hotfix 3 final, but that one fails to unmount. Attached is the pndrunop_storage.out. Apparently something's going wrong with the splitting of the partition name, as it tries to unmount /dev/mmcblk0 instead of /dev/mmcblk0p1 Manually unmounting it by using sudo umount /dev/mmcblk0p1 does work, but then I can't use the tool because that apparently only lists mounted memorycards.
 146 Base OSBug ReportHigh Minimenu regressions with Hotfix 3 Closed
Task Description Fresh firmware install with Hotfix 3 installed results in the following issues with Minimenu. 1. 25+% cpu usage versus ~5% in earlier versions. 2. Touchscreen no longer works correctly to select icons. Selecting tabs still works and occasionally it will work for selecting an application icon, but for the most part it simply does nothing.
 82 Base OSBug ReportCritical Network Manager - Wifi Can't Reconnect Closed
Task Description When wifi drops out, or you have disconnected from it and wish to reconnect, you cant reconnect using network-manager. The connecting icon spins for a while, then it pops up the 'Password' Dialog. If you enter your password, the cycle begins again.
 108 Base OSFeature RequestCritical TUN/TAN-Driver Closed
Task Description There is no TUN/TAN Driver installed. This is recommanded for some encrypted wireless lan connections, especially for eduroam, a world wide access point for the education community. Also, a tun-driver is also recommended for vpnc.
 1 CoreBug ReportVery Low Sample Task Closed
Task Description This isn't a real task. You should close it and start opening some real tasks.
 23 CoreBug ReportVery Low slim-init doesn't pass session to .xinitrc Closed
Task Description It seems like slim doesn't send the session to .xinitrc I included an "echo $1 >> ~/debug.txt" in the script and the file was completely empty. That's why it always starts xfce4, not pmenu: The fallback is startxfce4.
 37 CoreBug ReportVery Low Game doesn't start in No-X mode ( (Permissi ...Closed
Task Description EDIT: Some more information from notaz: it's failing because it can't find controlling tty (/dev/tty is a "virtual" gateway device, so setting permissions gave no effect) do "ps ax" on your desktop and it has the tty column so SDL fbdev driver wants to get a real tty fo be able to read keys So we need to somehow give it a real tty? yeah, but I don't know why as pnd start from X and that gives virtual tty *don't know how* maybe something can be done using openvt, chvt and similar tools ------ What happens if you run a script in no-X mode: 1. It stops slim 2. It mounts all the directories as needed (works fine). 3. It DOES NOT start the app 4. It unmounts all the directories 5. It restarts slim (and therefore X) I can confirm the path is correctly and the filesystem is mounted there (did an ls -l). I can also confirm the game is working fine, as the same PND does work within X if I run it from the terminal using pnd_run supertux_noX.pnd So it looks like the line that actually executes the game does work when run in X, but not when run outside of X. Maybe it tries to execute the game on the screen where the script is actually started (X) and therefore can't run it as X is not running anymore? The line working in X-mode but not working in non-X-Mode: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/utmp/$BASENAME ./$EXENAME $ARGUMENTS The game I tried was SuperTux (SDL-Game) with a no-X=1 parameter in the PXML.
65CoreFeature RequestVery Low.desktop files, be nice if they included the non-englis...New
Task Description .desktop files only include the English stuff right now (using the .desktop default tags.) Be nice if in addition to 'title', we also include 'title[de]' type extras, whatever is in the PXML.xml pnd_pxml_t includes all the goods, but pnd_disco_t has only the summarized english stuff.
 78 CoreBug ReportVery Low minimenu - zaxxon initial release - doesn't use preview ...Closed
Task Description Stupid; in the /etc/pandora/conf/mmenu.conf the preview cache is looked for in mmcblk[12]* .. should be [01] or really just /media/*/pandora... etc. So just switch [12] to [01] and works fine. Fixed in the git tree already, so will roll out in a real image build.
110CoreBug ReportVery LowBattery percentage static in MiniMenuUnconfirmed
Task Description Battery remaining percentage in MiniMenu does not update unless you change tabs back and forth. This is only really an issue when leaving the unit charging and not using it. It gives the appearance that it is not charging until you swap tabs around.
 175 CoreTo Do (Reminder)Very Low Test Closed
Task Description Test if the edit button in the bug tracker works now. //Edit: Blah
 233 CoreBug ReportVery Low errors Closed
Task Description gives some errors to me... it works anyway, but it's not nice to see them all the time. /usr/pandora/scripts/ line 60: [: 5380: binary operator expected or /usr/pandora/scripts/ line 60: [: too many arguments I guess line 60 of if [ ! $wlstate ]; then should rather be if [ -z "$wlstate" ]; then shouldn't it? The same thing is in line Then sometimes also rm: cannot remove `/tmp/wlstate': No such file or directory or cat: /tmp/wlstate: No such file or directory which could easily be fixed by adding a test -f /tmp/wlstate && or something like that before the respective command. I just added a lot of test, I'm not sure if every single one of them is really needed, but better too much than not enough, I would say. :-) I can't attach a file (I click the button and nothing happens), so I just paste it there: It's a bit longer because some indentations were wrong (and I corrected them) and I changed all indentations to tabs = 8 spaces instead of 2.
270CoreBug ReportVery LowPower-slider & lid-close events: XFCE observes user set...New
Task Description STATUS QUO: If you are in XFCE and hold the power slider for 3 seconds, you thereby trigger the shutdown command. For 3 more seconds a dialogue box gives you the chance to abort the shutdown ("Shutting down in 3…2…"). Now in MiniMenu no direct shutdown key is available. You first have to quit the running app (via PANDORA key), then call up the menu (via SELECT key), and then navigate to "Shutdown" and confirm it (by B or ENTER). INQUIRED BEHAVIOR: 1) Thanks to the very recent MiniMenu speedups, these 4 consecutive user interaction steps can now at least be be executed a lot faster. Nevertheless, offering a 1-button-interaction (via power slider) too, would be nice. Could you please make that available to MiniMenu? And in general: Make this power-slide-event available to any possible GUI, so that not each GUI has to implement this by itself, but rather the OS catches this event and handles it uniformly, except if a certain GUI WANTS to establish an exception to the rule. 2) Also the "Lid-Close-Settings" seem to be ignored by MiniMenu. MiniMenu seems to have the action "Turn off screen" hardcoded to that event. Please make MiniMenu observe the user settings from "Lid-Close-Settings". RELATED SOURCE CODE FILES (to my knowledge):
 4 CoreBug ReportLow Missing Icons Closed
Task Description Some icons are missing: XFCE4 Settings Manager: Accessibility, Appearance, Desktop, Display, File Manager, Keyboard, Mouse The icons on the panel (Mail, Web, etc.) are also missing (they're invisibile)
 7 CoreBug ReportLow No help or tips and tricks yet Closed
Task Description Help is missing as are the tips and tricks on startup.
12CoreTo Do (Reminder)Lowfile association for .pndNew
Task Description Build the xml file and defaults.list so that pnd_run is file-assocated to .pnd
 13 CoreTo Do (Reminder)Low verify pndevmapperd is invoking scripts Closed
Task Description menu button is verified verify power button verify lid open/close
 14 CoreTo Do (Reminder)Low Add hup of pndnotifyd to .xinitrc Closed
Task Description Pretty minor risk, but if the guy creates multiple accounts on the machine, and logs out of one and into another .. we'll want to hup pndnotifyd Alternative solution is to poll utmp (or inotify on utmp?) to watch for logins and handle it magicly.
 17 CoreFeature RequestLow Backlight off when display shuts off Closed
Task Description Would it be easy to make the backlight shut off when the screen goes off after a period of inactivity? That would save a lot of energy both during the charge cycle and if left on with a battery running. Thanks!
 19 CoreFeature RequestLow XFCE-Menu Editor Closed
Task Description Add an XFCE-Menu Editor (using python). This way, people can edit the Startmenu :)
 20 CoreBug ReportLow pndevmapperd: / Closed
Task Description pndevmapperd tries to run /usr/pandora/scripts/, however, the filename is /usr/pandora/scripts/ Either rename the file or change the call ;)
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