OpenPandora Main OS

This project it to track issues relating to the current shipping OS only as found here Please state what Hotfix you are running with any issue report. Please ONLY use this to record issues for the main OS and its default included applications - any other application issue reports should go into the Additional Applications project. Issue reports with 'in development OS images' or feature requests for the next MAJOR version (not Hotfix release) should be placed into the OpenPandora Development OS project and reported on the mailing list Please read this page to find out how to properly report bugs:

IDCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatus  ascProgress
 234 CoreFeature RequestMedium Changeable behaviour when closing the lid Closed
Task Description As it was requested on and I think it's a good idea I've written some scripts to allow the user to change what happens when the lid is opened/closed. There are 3 Settings: -The old behaviour (turning off the screen) -Go into low power mode -Shutdown Default behaviour is still the same: Turn the screen off. Maybe we could change this to low power mode? I don't know. I made a lot of changes to (diff: ) I changed line 11 in to: if [ $powerstate -ne 0 ]; then And wrote a gui for changing the setting using zenity: (I still can't upload any files, don't know if it's the fault of my browser, that's why I use this paste service)
 279 CoreFeature RequestMedium pidgin requires (more) locales to work correctly Closed
Task Description Please add the following package to allow umlauts working in pidgin: glibc-gconv-utf-16 After installing this package I no longer have a problem receiving umlauts in pidgin. Besides it might also make sense to add "glibc-gconv-cp1250" which might be required for western europe and koi8-r which seems to be missing for xchat and conversion of chars there. At the moment the following locale related packages are installed (as of SuperZaxxon Beta3): glibc-charmap-utf-8 - 2.9-r35.3.5 glibc-gconv - 2.9-r35.3.5 glibc-gconv-cp1252 - 2.9-r35.3.5 glibc-gconv-ibm850 - 2.9-r35.3.5 glibc-gconv-iso8859-1 - 2.9-r35.3.5 glibc-gconv-iso8859-15 - 2.9-r35.3.5 Please add: glibc-gconv-cp1250 glibc-gconv-koi8-r glibc-gconv-unicode glibc-gconv-utf-16 Thanks!
 14 CoreTo Do (Reminder)Low Add hup of pndnotifyd to .xinitrc Closed
Task Description Pretty minor risk, but if the guy creates multiple accounts on the machine, and logs out of one and into another .. we'll want to hup pndnotifyd Alternative solution is to poll utmp (or inotify on utmp?) to watch for logins and handle it magicly.
 48 CoreTo Do (Reminder)Low Create the TV Out Enable / Disable scripts Closed
Task Description The commands do exist, I just need to wrap them round some zenity scripts.
 90 Base OSFeature RequestLow Adding more "general libs" to the OS image Closed
Task Description It would be nice if some more generic libs that could be used by software ported to the Pandora would be available in the base image. For example for Wesnoth we do require these additional libs (names taken from ): * boost-iostreams * boost-regex * boost-serialization Beside this Wesnoth does also require this package (from ): * lua5.1 In general I would recommend pulling in all of boost. This means the dependencies as well as the recommends. Here is a short paste of what this means: Depends: libc6, libstdc++6, libgcc1, boost-filesystem, boost-thread, boost-date-time, boost-system Recommends: boost-date-time, boost-filesystem, boost-graph, boost-iostreams, boost-program-options, boost-python, boost-regex, boost-serialization, boost-signals, boost-system, boost-test, boost-thread There are probably some other packages/lib that might make sense to directly have in the OS image, but they currently don't come to my mind, so I can't list them here. ;)
 117 ApplicationBug ReportLow Quake1 / Nanogl Lockup Closed
Task Description After the last TI gles driver update quake1 (vanilla glquake 1 sources) and nanogl started to lockup the pandora after a few minutes of gameplay. Oddly all the other apps using nanogl seem stable. There is some bad code in nanogl (missing/null function pointers), which I need to clean up and afterwards reevaluate this issue.
 119 Base OSFeature RequestLow ext4 support Closed
Task Description Don't know how much work this would be to get a later version of the linux firmware to add this, but it would be nice to have more filesystem support.
 321 CoreFeature RequestLow Support overriding all category fields with .ovr Closed
Task Description

Currently only the main category and the first sub category of the main category can be overridden using a .ovr file while libpnd uses additional PXML supplied category date to construct the desktop file. This makes it difficult to work with PNDs that supply unwanted data in these additional fields.

 322 CoreBug ReportLow Allow removal of categories using the libpnd category c ...Closed
Task Description

Since some PNDs provide nonstandard categories like GTK or GNOME, it is desirable to extend the libpnd category mapping with the ability to suppress individual categories completely.

 82 Base OSBug ReportCritical Network Manager - Wifi Can't Reconnect Closed
Task Description When wifi drops out, or you have disconnected from it and wish to reconnect, you cant reconnect using network-manager. The connecting icon spins for a while, then it pops up the 'Password' Dialog. If you enter your password, the cycle begins again.
 201 CoreBug ReportHigh PND apps still use memory after they've quit Closed
Task Description After running and quitting a PND app, not all of the used memory is being freed. This eats more and more memory over time. Just run 5 or 6 apps and you only have half of the memory left. Sounds like either aufs or unionfs don't free the memory after unmounting. This has been reported with HF4 and still is the case with HF5 Beta 2 -- downgraded to 'Researching' and 'Normal' priority until confirmed and details found
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