OpenPandora Main OS

This project it to track issues relating to the current shipping OS only as found here Please state what Hotfix you are running with any issue report. Please ONLY use this to record issues for the main OS and its default included applications - any other application issue reports should go into the Additional Applications project. Issue reports with 'in development OS images' or feature requests for the next MAJOR version (not Hotfix release) should be placed into the OpenPandora Development OS project and reported on the mailing list Please read this page to find out how to properly report bugs:

IDCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatus  ascProgress
240ApplicationFeature RequestLowMiniMenu shall return into full screen mode (more quick...Unconfirmed
Task Description If you set MiniMenu's option "Live (not exit) on app run?" to YES, and you quit an application and return to the still running MiniMenu, it runs in windowed mode, and takes about 2 seconds until it goes into full screen mode again. This delay should at best be not noticeable at all, at most 0-1 seconds.
242ApplicationFeature RequestMediumPressing SHIFT + any key in sequence creates the modifi...Unconfirmed
Task Description ISSUE ENVIRONMENT: If you hold your Pandora in your hands, you only have your thumbs for typing, hence your typing abilities are quite limited. It is hard to press more than 2 keys, and hard to press 2 keys on the same side, as your second thumb does not reach the opposite side all too easy (except you have a basketball player's hands). The modifier keys Start/ALT Select/CTRL Pandora/(META, I guess?) are in the middle of the keyboard, hence the can easily pressed together with another key. But SHIFT lies at an ergonomically problematic side (left boundary). Hence hard to press with other left side keys. SUGGESTED SOLUTION: I suggest that Pandora OS offers an optional and configurable input help. [1|2|3 presses | hold for duration x] SHIFT [timeout y] [modifier key 2] [timeout z] key Produces the same result like SHIFT + modkey2 + key Very likely modifier key 2 and timeout z are not necessary, as you can trigger the SHIFT hold (by your defined action), and then press the modifier key 2 and the other key at once, as the other modifier keys are laid at a central (ergonomically better) position.
243ApplicationFeature RequestMediumMiniMenu: Pressing successive character keys should com...Unconfirmed
Task Description Imagine this tab content: Nubs, Pandora Input, PNDstore. CURRENT BEHAVIOR: Pressing "P" and "N" is succession jumps to "Nubs" eventually, as it first jumps to the first "P" item ("Pandora Input"), then to the first "N" item, "Nubs". DESIRED BEHAVIOR: That it acts like in most Linux file browsers or the Mac OS X Finder. In detail: Pressing "P" and "N" within a certain time limit should combine them to the string "PN" and jump to the first item which starts with that string, i.e. "PNDStore". If no item matches, reduce the combination string by one character, try to match again, if that doesn't match, try matching again with one character less, ... , until only one character is left, and if that one doesn't match jump to the nearest previous lexicographical character, which matches.
244ApplicationFeature RequestLowInclude man and the manpagesUnconfirmed
Task Description The command line environment of the default OS does not include the command "man" and the respective manpages of the installed programs. I personally often use manpages, as I hardly remember the syntax/arguments of all programs I use. Having them would be very convenient! EVALUATING NEEDED STORAGE AMOUNT Some may argue that storage space is quite limited on the NAND. Yes I agree. Hence the number of included programs is limited too. Hence it would not be all too many manpages. When I press TAB into an empty Terminal prompt, I get 1406 possibilities, which is about the amount of available commands/programs if we ignore aliases, etc. Multiply that with an average of 20 kb per manpage, and you get about 30 MB in total. With compression this could possibly be brought down to 15-20 MB. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS A) Store into the NAND the manpages of core OS CLI programs only, and not all the library/system/etc documentation. B) Include only the man command into the core OS, and compile/configure it in such a fashion, that it finds the manpages within non-NAND media (SD card, USB volume, etc). b1) Specify that it simply looks into a certain path within the /media/*/pandora/ structure. b2) Or offer PND packages like man-core.pnd, man-extended.pnd,... you get the idea or even man-custom.pnd (which would look into its appdata or a certain path for custom added manpages, to somehow get the b1 approach within the PND approach).
251CoreFeature RequestLowSD Mass Storage: Possibility to host multiple volumesUnconfirmed
Task Description a) Host multiple volumes at once. b) Select one for hosting first, later host additional ones. (I guess this scenario is more complicated)
253ApplicationFeature RequestMediumSwitch GUI: Intelligent automatic choiceUnconfirmed
Task Description If only 2 GUIs are available, skip the user selection and switch right into the only other GUI. What else would the user want?! Right! If more than 2, already set the focus in the GUI list to the next possible item.
288CoreFeature RequestLowadd functionality to inputrcUnconfirmed
Task Description Since the default inputrc doesn't contain any functionality (simple cli movements like ctrl-left or crtrl-right to skip words don't work) this diff may be useful to add to the cli-experience. I've also been trying to get the delete-key to work, but this is apparently already a known issue (see FS#227). I can remove this from the diff if you want. (I couldn't attach a file to the task somehow) 31,32c31,33 < # "\e[3~": delete-char < # "\e[2~": quoted-insert --- > #"\e[3~": delete-char > "\e[^?": delete-char > "\e[2~": quoted-insert 44,47c45,50 < # "\e[5C": forward-word < # "\e[5D": backward-word < # "\e\e[C": forward-word < # "\e\e[D": backward-word --- > "\e[1;5C": forward-word > "\e[1;5D": backward-word > "\e[5C": forward-word > "\e[5D": backward-word > "\e\e[C": forward-word > "\e\e[D": backward-word
307CoreFeature RequestMediumChange how Automatic Shutdown worksUnconfirmed
Task Description When thee Pandora is shutting down because its almost out of power, it should check to make sure that the nub inputs are set to the default mode (which is mouse movement for the left nub and mouse buttons for the right nub). If not, it should change them to be like that.
327CoreFeature RequestLowContext menu for the XFCE menuUnconfirmed
Task Description

Right now. the XFCE menu handles right clicks like left clicks. It would be more logical to either not do anything on a right click, or open a context menu that e.g. lets the user generate a link to an application on the desktop.

261CoreTo Do (Reminder)HighOverview of all current KEYBOARD INPUT related issuesUnconfirmed
Task Description Built-in keyboard input is a central thing on the Pandora, as it concerns almost all user interfaced apps! I realized that I myself and also others submitted quite many reports concerning this issue. Hence this meta issue is intended as an overview/accumulation/aid for those devs who are willing to overwork the whole issue. If you realize new related issues, feel free to add them here. If this my effort is contradicting the OpenPandora workflow, then pardon me, and instruct me, how else to handle issues of that kind. Thanks! Keyboard low level: Driver, keyboard layout, post processing (hotkeys, input support, etc) FS#138 FS#227 FS#242  FS#259  Keyboard mid level: Application interfacing  FS#102  FS#123 FS#238 Keyboard application internal level  FS#157  (dupe:  FS#249 ) FS#243 FS#256
94CoreBug ReportLowBacklight control by lid sensor not detected after bootNew
Task Description If you boot the system with the lid closed, the backlight will still be on when you get to the desktop. You have to lift the lid for an instant and then close again to shut it off. Perhaps this is because of the lack of trigger for an interrupt since the sensor is already activated. Can there be one extra check of the lid sensor after boot to cover this static position?
121Base OSBug ReportMediumPyGame Hardware supportNew
Task Description PyGame is damn slow (games with scrolling are not at all playable). Would be nice if Hardware surface could be used :)
138CoreBug ReportLow'del' key (shift+backspace) not workingNew
Task Description The title says everything: The 'del' key does not work. In theory you should have a del "event" when hitting shift+backspace. This is not the case in all progs I tested so far (terminal and default text editor with gui).
270CoreBug ReportVery LowPower-slider & lid-close events: XFCE observes user set...New
Task Description STATUS QUO: If you are in XFCE and hold the power slider for 3 seconds, you thereby trigger the shutdown command. For 3 more seconds a dialogue box gives you the chance to abort the shutdown ("Shutting down in 3…2…"). Now in MiniMenu no direct shutdown key is available. You first have to quit the running app (via PANDORA key), then call up the menu (via SELECT key), and then navigate to "Shutdown" and confirm it (by B or ENTER). INQUIRED BEHAVIOR: 1) Thanks to the very recent MiniMenu speedups, these 4 consecutive user interaction steps can now at least be be executed a lot faster. Nevertheless, offering a 1-button-interaction (via power slider) too, would be nice. Could you please make that available to MiniMenu? And in general: Make this power-slide-event available to any possible GUI, so that not each GUI has to implement this by itself, but rather the OS catches this event and handles it uniformly, except if a certain GUI WANTS to establish an exception to the rule. 2) Also the "Lid-Close-Settings" seem to be ignored by MiniMenu. MiniMenu seems to have the action "Turn off screen" hardcoded to that event. Please make MiniMenu observe the user settings from "Lid-Close-Settings". RELATED SOURCE CODE FILES (to my knowledge):
65CoreFeature RequestVery Low.desktop files, be nice if they included the non-englis...New
Task Description .desktop files only include the English stuff right now (using the .desktop default tags.) Be nice if in addition to 'title', we also include 'title[de]' type extras, whatever is in the PXML.xml pnd_pxml_t includes all the goods, but pnd_disco_t has only the summarized english stuff.
105ApplicationFeature RequestVery LowNubs feature requestNew
Task Description The 'Nubs' application needs a setting for deadzone. Using the nubs in First person shooters the nubs trigger in directions when not even touched. An adjustment for deadzone would eliminate accidental movement caused by vibration. Also, application profiles for the nubs would be very useful. Different apps use the nubs in different ways and it would be great to not have to go and change settings before launching each application.
123Base OSFeature RequestLowSuggestions for the Pandora-ButtonNew
Task Description My suggestion instead of a full menu, would be to have a tiny overlay over the current running application which allows you to: - relogin (to close all running applications) - quit (stop the active application) - shows the last notifications / toaster messages which you missed while being in a fullscreen app. - possibly even something like plugin support or icons to check out the wifi-strength etc. from fullscreen apps. Implementation wise this could possibly be done using - a topmost window and the same content rendered in screenspace in a GLES hook (which should draw over most applications) or - one of the DSS2 overlays maybe It's definitely something to consider as it was requested on the forums a few times (~"xbox like menu in games").
252CoreFeature RequestLowPower management: If power cable is plugged ignore "Shu...New
Task Description If the power cable is plugged and the user chooses "Shutdown Pandora" from a menu, there should be a warning that this is without purpose, as the device will automatically restart. The resulting user choices should be "Cancel shutdown" and "Shutdown nevertheless".
12CoreTo Do (Reminder)Lowfile association for .pndNew
Task Description Build the xml file and defaults.list so that pnd_run is file-assocated to .pnd
216ApplicationTo Do (Reminder)LowToDo - SD manager tool (backup homedir/restore, prepare...New
Task Description Should make up a simple zenity script tool .. - backup -> pick SD -> backs up current user's homedor to SD. (tar.gz format so permissions can be kept; not cpio/etc, too annoying for user.) -> keep rolling, or just one copy? - restore -> pick SD -> pick user -> confirm -> wipe home and restore with version from tarball? (or just unpack in-place, so existing new files are kept) -> prepare SD -> pick SD -> mkdir /pandora/menu and /pandora/desktop
291CoreBug ReportMediumroot-owned pndrun_...out file makes PND refuse startingAssigned
Task Description If a PND has been run as root before (using from a root shell) and afterwards it is invoked the normal way, the PND doesn't start, because the .out file cannt be overwritten: /usr/pandora/scripts/ line 26: /tmp/pndrun_firefox.out: Permission denied Desired solution: .out file is silently overwitten. Maybe, if that's not possible, create another .out file with a different name (added counter, for example). Seen in SuperZaxxon relese 1.5, not in Beta3 as this task is flagged, but there is no choice besides Beta3.
299CoreBug does not follow PXML.xml or "-d"-ParameterAssigned
Task Description I call with a pnd. The application directory will invariably be /media/SD/pandora/appdata/, no matter if the PXML.xml specifies a different appdata path. Also, the parameter -d for is not followed, either. I tried with vlc.pnd from the app store and with Dosbox74.pnd. UPDATE: Original submission contained a wrong filename reference. Corrected that typo to the filename intended by the submitter. Admin: porg.
250ApplicationFeature RequestMediumFile Browser Thunar - Trashing file crosses filesystem ...Researching
Task Description Trashing a file/folder seems to MOVE it to a certain trash directory on the MAIN VOLUME, rather then the ORIGINATING VOLUME, hence this can result in a COPY RATHER THAN A MOVE operation, if the trashed file originates from a filesystem other than the main filesystem! This is very inefficient and faulty as it is: a) Very time consuming b) And in case of large files this operation can even fail due to not enough free space on the main volume.
328CoreBug ReportLowXFCE desktop icons not displayed when logging on too qu...Requires testing
Task Description

It looks like XFCE cannot find the icons for links/launchers on the desktop, when the user logs on too quickly. This happens either when the session chooser at start-up is disabled, or when the session is being chosen quickly after the session chooser is being displayed (e.g. by pressing enter as soon as the chooser window pops up). The icons are probably not generated yet at that time point.


A simple workaround is adding the command "xfdesktop --reload" to autostart. Couls this be included in the next SuperZaxxon release or a hotfix?

 79 CoreBug ReportLow On clean install, picking minimenu as a GUI hangs the p ...Closed
Task Description I had to reboot the pandora (look in the manual :)) to get back to the installer. I had to specify ANOTHER user, as the one I made was still there. Picking the XFCE one did work.
 80 CoreBug ReportLow After bug 79, the user manager doesn't list my users Closed
Task Description And when i try to remove anyway, it tries to remove user (null). I didn't have the guts to say 'Yes, remove user'
 81 CoreBug ReportHigh pandora seems to hang during boot, turns out it didn't Closed
Task Description it seemed just now thay my pandora didnt complete its bootsequence. During booting, the screen turned black. I thought it had crashed, but I still saw lights flashing when I inserted an SDcard. I then assumed that it WAS booting normally, but that the screen was turned down. So I pushed enter to confirm my username, as I suspected that I was at that prompt. Next I inputted my pwd, pushed enter, waited a bit, and then ised Fn+I to increase the brightness. It worked! I think that during the bootprocess the screen should at most be set to the darkest setting, but never to off. I think I know what happened. I told my pandora to shutdown and closed the lit before it was done. I guess that that swiittched off the screen, a setting which was then saved by the shutdown process, and restored during the bootsequence. I would suggest fixing this in the startup process, rather than the shutdown process, because that way, no matter what ends up in the settings, a sensible valsue is set at startup. I'll see if I can reproduce this.
 83 Base OSBug ReportLow getting more /media/mmcblk?p1  Closed
Task Description From a conversation with skeezix: I'm seeing /media/mmcblk0p1, mmcblk1p1, mmcblk2p1, mmcblk3p1 and mmcblk4p1 - is that something I should worry about? This started after I inserted & ejected my sd card a couple of times. To which skeezix said: The system starts at /media/mmcblk0 (with p1 ec being the partition number); if you eject the SD, then stick it back in, it will try to go to the earlier number again, but if some process was watching that SD when you ejected it, the system will nto be able to recycle that number, so you get the next blk number. So if you end up with /media/mmcblk5p1 (say), then it means you've been eject/inserting, and some program or another has been watching the SD instead of letting it go. Isn't it nicer to cleanup the ones above 1 (so 0 and 1 are there) at startup to avoid confusion?
 84 ApplicationBug ReportLow Bluetooth stays on Closed
Task Description You can enable Bluetooth, but can't disable it afterwards from the system -> toggle bluetooth menu shortcut.
 89 Base OSBug ReportMedium XFCE not loading up defaults when MiniMenu is selected  ...Closed
Task Description When mini menu is set to the default menuing system, XFCE settings (selected theme, pandora-specific key bindings) do not get loaded by default, they need to be forced by opening a terminal and typing xfwm4 --replace
 91 Base OSBug ReportMedium libaudiofile is installed by codec pack instead of in b ...Closed
Task Description Certain emulators such as Fuse are reliant on this file and I am assured it should be part of the default load-out (or rather in the HotFix) rather than in the codec pack as it's not a copyright issue.
 92 Base OSBug ReportMedium Startupmanager Closed
Task Description When trying to toggle Enable/Disable Autologin After initially enabling this feature, attempt was made to disable unsuccessfully. System says that it saves this info, upon reboot, login screen shows up again. Wifi toggle seems to work, as does Default GUI, & selecting default user
 93 Base OSBug ReportLow zaxxon first boot: don't ask for user prompt if already ...Closed
Task Description How to reproduce: First boot, Pandora's Box has been opened. Prompt for Full name, username, and password. Then, simply press OK without selecting whether minimenu or xfce. None selected. Then you can't do any more. Wizard closes and you don't need any more options. After manual reboot, the wizard starts again and asks for name again. But the username already exists.
 95 Base OSBug ReportMedium Cannot Connect to Ad-Hoc WIFI Closed
Task Description I am Currently tethering my Mobile Network via my Android Phone I cannot connect on this WIFI ... it's a Ad-Hoc connection Everything else works, PC, Netbook's and iPod Touch But Pandora seems to have some problems
 98 ApplicationBug ReportMedium Pidgin freezes (msn) Closed
Task Description Pidgin freezes when using the msn protocol. Sometimes it can last 25 minutes before doing so, sometimes it freezes instantly. Usually it's after only a few minutes. Once it freezes you are still able to close it using the built in crash manager (?!) This happens both when running from XFCE and Minimenu.
 99 CoreBug ReportMedium After waking up from standby the system is not responsi ...Closed
Task Description If I resume after standby (moved the slider to the right), the pandora shows the desktop and I can move the mouse cursor but if I click something, nothing happens. IRC suggested that the CPU might still be clocked at the standby low power speed.
 100 CoreBug ReportLow Demos & Examples - remove from image Closed
Task Description /usr/bin/qt4/demos is 9Mb in size and /usr/bin/qt4/examples is 11Mb. I'm guessing these are only useful for developers. Can they safely be removed? edit: additionally, /usr/share/vim is 12M. Can those of us who are never going to use VIM remove it?
 102 Base OSBug ReportVery Low Pandora key does not close XFCE menu  Closed
Task Description If the XFCE menu has been opened by a touchscreen command, it can also be closed by hitting the logo again. However, opening the menu this way and then hitting the Pandora key only spawns more instances of the menu. Least intrusive way to close those seems to be to select "Logout" and hit Cancel.
 107 Base OSBug ReportLow Secure Wifi will not connect until XFCE is loaded Closed
Task Description My Pandora is set to load MiniMenu on boot. I can't use any networked apps because wifi will not automatically connect on boot. XFCE needs to be loaded at least once so that i can enter my keychain password. Once i've entered my password Wifi connects and i can return to MiniMenu.
 109 CoreBug ReportMedium Wifi looses connection after 20-30 minutes Closed
Task Description While logged into XFCE and browsing for an extended period the wireless will loose its connection. It will not reconnect until the Wifi is toggled off and back on again using the ToggleWifi application. I have not tested this on an unsecured network. My wireless is WPA2 encrypted.
 114 ApplicationBug ReportLow Chromium browser does not support HTTPS/SSL Closed
Task Description The Angstrom version of Chrome/Chromium web browser fails to open https links. This is a bug which has been fixed upstream, but not in the version packaged for Pandora.
 125 CoreBug ReportLow wrong error handling in wl1251 platform initilization Closed
Task Description in;a=blob;f=arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3pandora.c;h=c6637426bf3a61f5bd0f85338304d0d8d114f67d;hb=HEAD I see: 555 ret = gpio_request(PANDORA_WIFI_IRQ_GPIO, "wl1251 irq"); 556 if (ret < 0) 557 goto fail_nreset; the goto should go to: fail_irq instead of fail_nreset Denis
 126 ApplicationBug ReportVery Low CPU Speed Typo? Closed
Task Description If you set the CPU speed to 600 it warns that it is greater than 600. I thought 600 was the guaranteed speed?
 127 ApplicationBug ReportHigh Firefox hangs when selecting the menu bar Closed
Task Description Just try to do something by accessing the menu, either thru keyboard or ts and it hangs. Maybe a problem with bookmarks ?
 129 Base OSBug ReportMedium [PATCH] bluetooth script fails to store/restore bluetoo ...Closed
Task Description Patch to attached.
 131 CoreBug ReportMedium bluetooth drivers read timeout too trigger-happy/logic  ...Closed
Task Description Shamelessly plugged from the forums, to get proper bug tracking and notifications on this. My post: @notaz: + /* there hould be no rx in progress at this point */ + if (info->rx_skb != NULL) { + dev_err(info->dev, "Receive timed out, %i done, %li left, " + "LSR=%02x, IER=%02x\n", info->rx_skb->len + 1, + info->rx_count, hci_h4p_inb(info, UART_LSR), + hci_h4p_inb(info, UART_IER)); + info->rx_timed_out = 1; + } Could you share your rationale for that comment in drivers/bluetooth/hci_h4p/core.c? (Oh and there's a typo, too :P ) EDIT: Asking this because commenting that block out changed status of bluetooth (for me) from unusable (can receive ~20-500kB of data before ppp connection halting) to fully working - used to have big problems playing 32kbps AAC stream (max 2 min), now already 4 mins of 96kbps, but i still think we need some receive timeout mechanism, but this one (as it currently stands) doesnt work. Notaz's reply: I don't really remember, it was more than 1.5 years ago. That driver is a hack, will need to review it, does it work stable with that code removed? My reply: For the non-IRC people: urjaman on IRC said: (22:47:45) urjaman: notaz: about stability: i'm on irc atm with that driver, its been playing internet radio for a few hours without problems now, but i don know for sure. (22:48:00) urjaman: *dont know (22:50:11) urjaman: my logic: if the serial port _never_ misses a byte it should be ok - IMO scary without some receive timeout, but works for me
 132 Base OSBug ReportMedium Deleting big files doesn't work Closed
Task Description When deleting a file on the SD card, the Pandora OS moves it into the thrash folder in the internal memory. That itself isn't very nice (shouldn't there be a trash folder on the SD card as well, to reduce unnecessary copying?), but if the file is too big for the internal memory, a error message appears, and the file cannot be deleted on the Pandora directly.
 134 CoreBug ReportLow please add a working phonon backend Closed
Task Description Please see : :)
 136 CoreBug ReportHigh rather high battery discharge while Pandora is powered  ...Closed
Task Description The Pandora does seem to use too much energy while it is turned off. A testcase: The pandora was turned off over night (about 8 hours) and battery state dropped from 98% to 96%. When removing the battery from the pandora for the same amount of time, the state is not changed at all. This is based on the zaxxon firmware release with hotfix3, beta2. Problem: if you don't use the pandora for a while and forget to remove the battery you can cause a deep discharge which might damage the battery. This is also a problem if the Pandora does eg shutdown itself since power is out and you can't directly attach it to a charger. Possible causes: * Design fault in the board. * Too much powered on while the device *should* be completely powered off. The only things that should get power are the clock and the power button. This should basically not drain much. Regarding the clock: The PalmPre is based on the OMAP3, too. There you basically have no discharge when it is powered off, so it is unlikely that the fault is in the OMAP3 itself.
 139 Base OSBug ReportLow Space should not be accepted in hostname Closed
Task Description If the user names their Pandora using a space in the name, "This will prevent Xfce from operating correctly". Should trap this when asking for a host name.
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