OpenPandora Main OS

This project it to track issues relating to the current shipping OS only as found here Please state what Hotfix you are running with any issue report. Please ONLY use this to record issues for the main OS and its default included applications - any other application issue reports should go into the Additional Applications project. Issue reports with 'in development OS images' or feature requests for the next MAJOR version (not Hotfix release) should be placed into the OpenPandora Development OS project and reported on the mailing list Please read this page to find out how to properly report bugs:

IDCategoryTask TypeSeverity  descSummaryStatusProgress
 126 ApplicationBug ReportVery Low CPU Speed Typo? Closed
Task Description If you set the CPU speed to 600 it warns that it is greater than 600. I thought 600 was the guaranteed speed?
110CoreBug ReportVery LowBattery percentage static in MiniMenuUnconfirmed
Task Description Battery remaining percentage in MiniMenu does not update unless you change tabs back and forth. This is only really an issue when leaving the unit charging and not using it. It gives the appearance that it is not charging until you swap tabs around.
106ApplicationFeature RequestVery LowAppData corruptionUnconfirmed
Task Description The appdata folder was corrupted on my SD card from an unclean eject this made the folder read only until i ran a repaired it. MiniMenu still displayed all my PND files. When clicking to launch the app would try to load crash and then return to MiniMenu without any visible error. This was pretty confusing and i thought it might be a good fix for a troubleshooting guide.
105ApplicationFeature RequestVery LowNubs feature requestNew
Task Description The 'Nubs' application needs a setting for deadzone. Using the nubs in First person shooters the nubs trigger in directions when not even touched. An adjustment for deadzone would eliminate accidental movement caused by vibration. Also, application profiles for the nubs would be very useful. Different apps use the nubs in different ways and it would be great to not have to go and change settings before launching each application.
 102 Base OSBug ReportVery Low Pandora key does not close XFCE menu  Closed
Task Description If the XFCE menu has been opened by a touchscreen command, it can also be closed by hitting the logo again. However, opening the menu this way and then hitting the Pandora key only spawns more instances of the menu. Least intrusive way to close those seems to be to select "Logout" and hit Cancel.
 86 Base OSFeature RequestVery Low Including small development frameworks/projects in the  ...Closed
Task Description It could be nice, if some very small development frameworks were included in the OS since the Pandora should make it as easy as possible for beginners to start programming. That means: A "Start coding now"-wizard/script can be run from the desktop from which you select the type of project (c++, python, SDL...) you want to do. It copies the framework to SD-Card, opens it in an editor/IDE to see the sourcecode and leads you to the first compile and run. Can be combined with a PND-Packer-script. Ideas for frameworks: - a small python template (pygame?) - a template project for an SDL-project (red square in fullscreen) - a template project for OpenGL ES (a simple colored triangle) - a template project for using NEON or DSP - something with a GUI (QT?) - general HelloWorlds - all as simple as possible! I know that this could help many beginners to actually start programming because the first compile is often hardest step (setting up toolchain, hassle with libs, includes, dependencies, compiler options, choice of editor, makefiles, all that stuff). Feel free to delete this feature request if it doesn't fit into the bugtracker.
 78 CoreBug ReportVery Low minimenu - zaxxon initial release - doesn't use preview ...Closed
Task Description Stupid; in the /etc/pandora/conf/mmenu.conf the preview cache is looked for in mmcblk[12]* .. should be [01] or really just /media/*/pandora... etc. So just switch [12] to [01] and works fine. Fixed in the git tree already, so will roll out in a real image build.
65CoreFeature RequestVery Low.desktop files, be nice if they included the non-englis...New
Task Description .desktop files only include the English stuff right now (using the .desktop default tags.) Be nice if in addition to 'title', we also include 'title[de]' type extras, whatever is in the PXML.xml pnd_pxml_t includes all the goods, but pnd_disco_t has only the summarized english stuff.
 37 CoreBug ReportVery Low Game doesn't start in No-X mode ( (Permissi ...Closed
Task Description EDIT: Some more information from notaz: it's failing because it can't find controlling tty (/dev/tty is a "virtual" gateway device, so setting permissions gave no effect) do "ps ax" on your desktop and it has the tty column so SDL fbdev driver wants to get a real tty fo be able to read keys So we need to somehow give it a real tty? yeah, but I don't know why as pnd start from X and that gives virtual tty *don't know how* maybe something can be done using openvt, chvt and similar tools ------ What happens if you run a script in no-X mode: 1. It stops slim 2. It mounts all the directories as needed (works fine). 3. It DOES NOT start the app 4. It unmounts all the directories 5. It restarts slim (and therefore X) I can confirm the path is correctly and the filesystem is mounted there (did an ls -l). I can also confirm the game is working fine, as the same PND does work within X if I run it from the terminal using pnd_run supertux_noX.pnd So it looks like the line that actually executes the game does work when run in X, but not when run outside of X. Maybe it tries to execute the game on the screen where the script is actually started (X) and therefore can't run it as X is not running anymore? The line working in X-mode but not working in non-X-Mode: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/utmp/$BASENAME ./$EXENAME $ARGUMENTS The game I tried was SuperTux (SDL-Game) with a no-X=1 parameter in the PXML.
 23 CoreBug ReportVery Low slim-init doesn't pass session to .xinitrc Closed
Task Description It seems like slim doesn't send the session to .xinitrc I included an "echo $1 >> ~/debug.txt" in the script and the file was completely empty. That's why it always starts xfce4, not pmenu: The fallback is startxfce4.
 1 CoreBug ReportVery Low Sample Task Closed
Task Description This isn't a real task. You should close it and start opening some real tasks.
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