OpenPandora Main OS

This project it to track issues relating to the current shipping OS only as found here Please state what Hotfix you are running with any issue report. Please ONLY use this to record issues for the main OS and its default included applications - any other application issue reports should go into the Additional Applications project. Issue reports with 'in development OS images' or feature requests for the next MAJOR version (not Hotfix release) should be placed into the OpenPandora Development OS project and reported on the mailing list Please read this page to find out how to properly report bugs:

IDCategory  descTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusProgress
217ApplicationFeature RequestLowAdd Mounting and unmounting context options for PND'sUnconfirmed
Task Description It'll have to be in the SKEL. /etc/skel/Applications/Settings/Thunar/uca.xml People can replace the contents of their current uca.xml file with the following to gain this functionality now. /home/[USERNAME]/Applications/Settings/Thunar/uca.xml Terminal Open Terminal Here exo-open --working-directory %f --launch TerminalEmulator Example for a custom action * emblem-symbolic-link Mount PND /usr/pandora/scripts/ -p %f -m && thunar /mnt/utmp/ *.pnd;*.PND gtk-jump-to-rtl Unmount PND /usr/pandora/scripts/ -p %f -u *.pnd;*.PND
238ApplicationFeature RequestLowQuick key access to OK in dialoguesUnconfirmed
Task Description PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In many GUI dialogues the default action button (OK, ACCEPT, YES, …) cannot be triggered with a simple key press. Pressing ENTER triggers the element which has focus (usually the first dialogue element), but not the default action, as most computer users would expect! MY WORKAROUND MEANWHILE: Press ALT plus the underlined letter of your desired action. But that's not very convenient as the underlined letter needs to be looked upon first, as the button label can differ from situation to situation (ACCEPT, OK, YES, …) and then 2 keys need to be pressed. SUGGESTED SOLUTION: The custom of many operating systems should be adapted on the OpenPandora as well. SPACE triggers the currently focused element (whatever that may be: list item, radio button, checkbox, etc), and ENTER triggers the default action of that dialogue. Or even better use the Pandora specific A/B/Y/X keys cleverly in those dialogues/selections. I don't know whether there is a standard functionality assignment within this key-group, in MiniMenu "B" is start/confirm, I do not know of any other standard assignments yet.
239ApplicationFeature RequestLowMiniMenu: New option: Grid stop horizontalUnconfirmed
Task Description I am suggesting the new option "Grid stop horizontal" for MiniMenu with the following possible settings and their effect. Yes -> If the boundary is reached the focus remains there. No -> If the boundary is reached the focus starts at the opposite side again. Jump to next/prev line -> If the boundary is reached the focus jumps to the next/previous line and the opposite side.
240ApplicationFeature RequestLowMiniMenu shall return into full screen mode (more quick...Unconfirmed
Task Description If you set MiniMenu's option "Live (not exit) on app run?" to YES, and you quit an application and return to the still running MiniMenu, it runs in windowed mode, and takes about 2 seconds until it goes into full screen mode again. This delay should at best be not noticeable at all, at most 0-1 seconds.
 241 ApplicationFeature RequestLow MiniMenu shall remember state for next start Closed
Task Description With the setting "Live (not exit) on app run?" set to "NO" the currently selected tab and item shall be remembered, so that you return to the same state, in which you left MiniMenu.
242ApplicationFeature RequestMediumPressing SHIFT + any key in sequence creates the modifi...Unconfirmed
Task Description ISSUE ENVIRONMENT: If you hold your Pandora in your hands, you only have your thumbs for typing, hence your typing abilities are quite limited. It is hard to press more than 2 keys, and hard to press 2 keys on the same side, as your second thumb does not reach the opposite side all too easy (except you have a basketball player's hands). The modifier keys Start/ALT Select/CTRL Pandora/(META, I guess?) are in the middle of the keyboard, hence the can easily pressed together with another key. But SHIFT lies at an ergonomically problematic side (left boundary). Hence hard to press with other left side keys. SUGGESTED SOLUTION: I suggest that Pandora OS offers an optional and configurable input help. [1|2|3 presses | hold for duration x] SHIFT [timeout y] [modifier key 2] [timeout z] key Produces the same result like SHIFT + modkey2 + key Very likely modifier key 2 and timeout z are not necessary, as you can trigger the SHIFT hold (by your defined action), and then press the modifier key 2 and the other key at once, as the other modifier keys are laid at a central (ergonomically better) position.
243ApplicationFeature RequestMediumMiniMenu: Pressing successive character keys should com...Unconfirmed
Task Description Imagine this tab content: Nubs, Pandora Input, PNDstore. CURRENT BEHAVIOR: Pressing "P" and "N" is succession jumps to "Nubs" eventually, as it first jumps to the first "P" item ("Pandora Input"), then to the first "N" item, "Nubs". DESIRED BEHAVIOR: That it acts like in most Linux file browsers or the Mac OS X Finder. In detail: Pressing "P" and "N" within a certain time limit should combine them to the string "PN" and jump to the first item which starts with that string, i.e. "PNDStore". If no item matches, reduce the combination string by one character, try to match again, if that doesn't match, try matching again with one character less, ... , until only one character is left, and if that one doesn't match jump to the nearest previous lexicographical character, which matches.
244ApplicationFeature RequestLowInclude man and the manpagesUnconfirmed
Task Description The command line environment of the default OS does not include the command "man" and the respective manpages of the installed programs. I personally often use manpages, as I hardly remember the syntax/arguments of all programs I use. Having them would be very convenient! EVALUATING NEEDED STORAGE AMOUNT Some may argue that storage space is quite limited on the NAND. Yes I agree. Hence the number of included programs is limited too. Hence it would not be all too many manpages. When I press TAB into an empty Terminal prompt, I get 1406 possibilities, which is about the amount of available commands/programs if we ignore aliases, etc. Multiply that with an average of 20 kb per manpage, and you get about 30 MB in total. With compression this could possibly be brought down to 15-20 MB. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS A) Store into the NAND the manpages of core OS CLI programs only, and not all the library/system/etc documentation. B) Include only the man command into the core OS, and compile/configure it in such a fashion, that it finds the manpages within non-NAND media (SD card, USB volume, etc). b1) Specify that it simply looks into a certain path within the /media/*/pandora/ structure. b2) Or offer PND packages like man-core.pnd, man-extended.pnd,... you get the idea or even man-custom.pnd (which would look into its appdata or a certain path for custom added manpages, to somehow get the b1 approach within the PND approach).
250ApplicationFeature RequestMediumFile Browser Thunar - Trashing file crosses filesystem ...Researching
Task Description Trashing a file/folder seems to MOVE it to a certain trash directory on the MAIN VOLUME, rather then the ORIGINATING VOLUME, hence this can result in a COPY RATHER THAN A MOVE operation, if the trashed file originates from a filesystem other than the main filesystem! This is very inefficient and faulty as it is: a) Very time consuming b) And in case of large files this operation can even fail due to not enough free space on the main volume.
253ApplicationFeature RequestMediumSwitch GUI: Intelligent automatic choiceUnconfirmed
Task Description If only 2 GUIs are available, skip the user selection and switch right into the only other GUI. What else would the user want?! Right! If more than 2, already set the focus in the GUI list to the next possible item.
216ApplicationTo Do (Reminder)LowToDo - SD manager tool (backup homedir/restore, prepare...New
Task Description Should make up a simple zenity script tool .. - backup -> pick SD -> backs up current user's homedor to SD. (tar.gz format so permissions can be kept; not cpio/etc, too annoying for user.) -> keep rolling, or just one copy? - restore -> pick SD -> pick user -> confirm -> wipe home and restore with version from tarball? (or just unpack in-place, so existing new files are kept) -> prepare SD -> pick SD -> mkdir /pandora/menu and /pandora/desktop
Showing tasks 301 - 311 of 311 Page 7 of 7<<First - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7

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