OpenPandora Main OS

This project it to track issues relating to the current shipping OS only as found here Please state what Hotfix you are running with any issue report. Please ONLY use this to record issues for the main OS and its default included applications - any other application issue reports should go into the Additional Applications project. Issue reports with 'in development OS images' or feature requests for the next MAJOR version (not Hotfix release) should be placed into the OpenPandora Development OS project and reported on the mailing list Please read this page to find out how to properly report bugs:

IDCategory  descTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusProgress
159Base OSBug ReportMediumSystem > Run PND Application menu item does nothingUnconfirmed
Task Description With both Hotfix 3 and Hotfix 4 Beta the Run PND Application menu item fails to do anything. Possibly related problem is that PND files newly copied to SD card are not recognized and entered on desktop as expected. When you go to Thunar and right click - execute the PND file, nothing happens. Possible fix by copying the PND to another folder on the SD card with Thunar. This makes at least two PND files I had work. Still no response with "Run PND Application" menu, though.
 160 Base OSBug ReportLow bug in date/time setting window Closed
Task Description first time i changed the date/time with no problems afterward every time when i try to change it it gives me "Please select month ..." this happens after selecting the time zone window.
 163 Base OSBug ReportLow DPMS related "display problems" Closed
Task Description Currently it looks like DPMS is active in xorg (eg when using XFCE). DPMS is normally used for stuff like turning the screen off to save energy. There seems to be no way to configure this while in XFCE. So the default xorg server values are used. At the moment the screen is turned off after 10mins of inactivity. Problems with this are a) that the time till it is turned off can not be configured b) after wakeup from such a DPMS related display shutdown the brightness is set to maximum. Solution to this: Deactivate the sleep values via xorg.conf. I am attaching a diff to "[openembedded.git] / recipes / xorg-xserver / xserver-xorg-conf / omap3-pandora / xorg.conf" changing those to "default off".
 73 Base OSFeature RequestMedium Nub: Change mouse speed, fix scrolling and add mouse bu ...Closed
Task Description Currently the nubs can be set to three different modes: mouse, scroll and absolute Mode 1 (mouse) works fine, but the speed is a bit slow. Mode 2 (scroll) has inverted scrolling and it would be nice if scrolling speed would change according to how far you move it Aditionally, I would suggest adding another mode: mbuttons (Mouse buttons). At the moment, you can use the nubs as mouse but don't have any mouse buttons. I think it would be very convenient if you could set the nubs as mouse buttons: Move the nub left for left click, right for right click, up for double click and down for middle click. That way, each user could use the left nub for mouse and the right nub for mouse buttons or vice versa.
 86 Base OSFeature RequestVery Low Including small development frameworks/projects in the  ...Closed
Task Description It could be nice, if some very small development frameworks were included in the OS since the Pandora should make it as easy as possible for beginners to start programming. That means: A "Start coding now"-wizard/script can be run from the desktop from which you select the type of project (c++, python, SDL...) you want to do. It copies the framework to SD-Card, opens it in an editor/IDE to see the sourcecode and leads you to the first compile and run. Can be combined with a PND-Packer-script. Ideas for frameworks: - a small python template (pygame?) - a template project for an SDL-project (red square in fullscreen) - a template project for OpenGL ES (a simple colored triangle) - a template project for using NEON or DSP - something with a GUI (QT?) - general HelloWorlds - all as simple as possible! I know that this could help many beginners to actually start programming because the first compile is often hardest step (setting up toolchain, hassle with libs, includes, dependencies, compiler options, choice of editor, makefiles, all that stuff). Feel free to delete this feature request if it doesn't fit into the bugtracker.
 88 Base OSFeature RequestLow pydoc is missing Closed
Task Description I love to use the pandora for some on-the-go python development, and I think I'm not the only one, but unfortunately the module pydoc is missing, which is needed for doing help(sys) on the interactive prompt. Could you please include that in the next firmware revision? Thanks!
 90 Base OSFeature RequestLow Adding more "general libs" to the OS image Closed
Task Description It would be nice if some more generic libs that could be used by software ported to the Pandora would be available in the base image. For example for Wesnoth we do require these additional libs (names taken from ): * boost-iostreams * boost-regex * boost-serialization Beside this Wesnoth does also require this package (from ): * lua5.1 In general I would recommend pulling in all of boost. This means the dependencies as well as the recommends. Here is a short paste of what this means: Depends: libc6, libstdc++6, libgcc1, boost-filesystem, boost-thread, boost-date-time, boost-system Recommends: boost-date-time, boost-filesystem, boost-graph, boost-iostreams, boost-program-options, boost-python, boost-regex, boost-serialization, boost-signals, boost-system, boost-test, boost-thread There are probably some other packages/lib that might make sense to directly have in the OS image, but they currently don't come to my mind, so I can't list them here. ;)
 96 Base OSFeature RequestLow Customizable SD mount options Closed
Task Description Right now writes are really slow because they write synchronously: there should be an option to change this so that the user is first taught how to unmount an sd card then remove it...
 97 Base OSFeature RequestLow Missing kernel-module-snd-usb-audio Closed
Task Description Missing kernel-module-snd-usb-audio would be nice to hook the pandora up to my logitec speakers and have audio out and a hub for hooking up other devices at the same time...
 103 Base OSFeature RequestLow OpenAL library in firmware? Closed
Task Description Is there any chance we can have OpenAL installed as a default library? I'm considering porting some software that requires it (and truth be told I manually compiled and installed it for my own use atm...)
 108 Base OSFeature RequestCritical TUN/TAN-Driver Closed
Task Description There is no TUN/TAN Driver installed. This is recommanded for some encrypted wireless lan connections, especially for eduroam, a world wide access point for the education community. Also, a tun-driver is also recommended for vpnc.
118Base OSFeature RequestLowadd sdl-perl to the base OSUnconfirmed
Task Description Hi there, Many games depend on sdl-perl. Perl and sdl are part of the base OS, but not not the connection between the two. Cheers, sebt3
 119 Base OSFeature RequestLow ext4 support Closed
Task Description Don't know how much work this would be to get a later version of the linux firmware to add this, but it would be nice to have more filesystem support.
 122 Base OSFeature RequestMedium SDL 1.2 optimizations Closed
Task Description At the moment, SDL is a bit slow and has vsync problems (tearing, etc.). It could need optimizations to use the hardware.
123Base OSFeature RequestLowSuggestions for the Pandora-ButtonNew
Task Description My suggestion instead of a full menu, would be to have a tiny overlay over the current running application which allows you to: - relogin (to close all running applications) - quit (stop the active application) - shows the last notifications / toaster messages which you missed while being in a fullscreen app. - possibly even something like plugin support or icons to check out the wifi-strength etc. from fullscreen apps. Implementation wise this could possibly be done using - a topmost window and the same content rendered in screenspace in a GLES hook (which should draw over most applications) or - one of the DSS2 overlays maybe It's definitely something to consider as it was requested on the forums a few times (~"xbox like menu in games").
 133 Base OSFeature RequestLow Add TiMidity++ to OS? Closed
Task Description Hey, was just wondering if it would be possible to have TiMidity++ ( added with a hotfix, would allow games/ports that use it (the Zelda ports here:, zdoom and heretic (I think unless pickles has changed them) and other stuff that uses it to not have to include it in the .pnd and saving SD space... just an idea...
 137 Base OSFeature RequestLow Default vim config Closed
Task Description The current vim install does come without any config file. By default this means vim does work in "vi compatible mode" which makes it hardly usable. The attached config file is meant to be used as ~/.vimrc, so it should be added to "/etc/skel/.vimrc". The file is partly based on the default config used by gentoo. Things this config file sets: * Start in "vim mode" by default * activate ruler * set width of linenumber in ruler * assume that the terminal uses a dark background * configure what hitting backspace removed (newlines, ...) * some magic to have different encoding formats working in a more sane way
 145 Base OSFeature RequestLow missing tune2fs command Closed
Task Description bash: tune2fs: command not found Please include tune2fs into basic OS image. Would be handy for managing filesystem on SD cards.
 151 Base OSFeature RequestMedium [PATCH] Turn Off LCD when closing the lid Closed
Task Description Just added a few lines to, will power off the LCD when you close the LID. Patch attached.
156Base OSFeature RequestVery LowAsk to format SD CardUnconfirmed
Task Description When I have received my Pandora, I got an SD Card but it was not formated. I didn't have any card reader so I didn't now what was wrong (the Pandora or the SD Card). When an unformated SD Card is inserted in the Pandora, it should be nice to ask if we want to format it.
 161 Base OSFeature RequestLow Add ftp to base OS Closed
Task Description Include the netkit-ftp package so the Pandora has at least basic ftp functionality out of the box.
 174 Base OSFeature RequestLow Include modem-manager in base image Closed
Task Description Please consider including the modemmanager package in the base distibution. This allows 3G wireless dongles to work out of the box (configured via network-manager).
 75 Base OSTo Do (Reminder)Low Remove application-launcher from Pandora-Button Closed
Task Description As the Application Launcher takes 12 seconds to load and slows all running games down terribly if you accidentally hit the Pandora-Button, it is useless. Please change it so it does something different. My suggestions: * Open the XFCE Start-Menu or * Open a simple applauncher (as suggested by vimacs) Make sure it doesn't disturb any game or emulator if you press it while playing!
 84 ApplicationBug ReportLow Bluetooth stays on Closed
Task Description You can enable Bluetooth, but can't disable it afterwards from the system -> toggle bluetooth menu shortcut.
 98 ApplicationBug ReportMedium Pidgin freezes (msn) Closed
Task Description Pidgin freezes when using the msn protocol. Sometimes it can last 25 minutes before doing so, sometimes it freezes instantly. Usually it's after only a few minutes. Once it freezes you are still able to close it using the built in crash manager (?!) This happens both when running from XFCE and Minimenu.
 114 ApplicationBug ReportLow Chromium browser does not support HTTPS/SSL Closed
Task Description The Angstrom version of Chrome/Chromium web browser fails to open https links. This is a bug which has been fixed upstream, but not in the version packaged for Pandora.
 116 ApplicationBug ReportLow Freetype issues (freeciv sdl client) Closed
Task Description With the SDL client for freeciv the font characters show up as square blocks and garbage characters. This may be related to freetype. I had also heard that battle at wesnoth had similar issues.
 117 ApplicationBug ReportLow Quake1 / Nanogl Lockup Closed
Task Description After the last TI gles driver update quake1 (vanilla glquake 1 sources) and nanogl started to lockup the pandora after a few minutes of gameplay. Oddly all the other apps using nanogl seem stable. There is some bad code in nanogl (missing/null function pointers), which I need to clean up and afterwards reevaluate this issue.
 126 ApplicationBug ReportVery Low CPU Speed Typo? Closed
Task Description If you set the CPU speed to 600 it warns that it is greater than 600. I thought 600 was the guaranteed speed?
 127 ApplicationBug ReportHigh Firefox hangs when selecting the menu bar Closed
Task Description Just try to do something by accessing the menu, either thru keyboard or ts and it hangs. Maybe a problem with bookmarks ?
135ApplicationBug ReportLowOOM Killer causes loss of items in xfce4-panel configur...Unconfirmed
Task Description When the Pandora runs out of memory and the Out-Of-Memory killer fires, the Applications/Settings/xfce4/panel/panels.xml loses the entries for the menu button and the power monitor.
 167 ApplicationBug ReportLow midori crashes all the time Closed
Task Description midori crashes all the time
 181 ApplicationBug ReportLow Triple click in Thunar crash Closed
Task Description Triple tapping (with the stylus) a directory in Thunar in icon or compact mode (not detail view) causes Thunar to close (crash) This is consistently repeatable: tapping three times in rapid succession on the same spot of the file causes the crash. It must be the exact same spot, as if double clicking, but a third tap is added. This can be triggered especially when a user becomes frustrated at mistapping, gets carried away, and taps too much.
 186 ApplicationBug ReportMedium unusable "Manage LCD Gamma" tool Closed
Task Description Pandora Menu -> Settings -> LCD-Settings -> Manage LCD Gamma Removing all the profiles listed there will make the user unable to even create a new one. The tool becomes unusable. I hope a re-flash would fix the problem. The last profile in the list, or the Default one, shouldn't be deletable at all.
 198 ApplicationBug ReportLow Mousepad: 'Find' works only once Closed
Task Description Mousepad 0.2.16 Find (Ctrl+F) works once, the next time it is used the button 'Find' is and stays grayed out.
 213 ApplicationBug ReportLow Gigolo does not perform it's task Closed
Task Description In it's current state, Gigolo is flat out broken and (almost) useless. It pretends to to it's job, but can't because it's missing critical pieces of anatomy. It can mount local filesystems correctly, but then so can thunar, so this is a redundant and useless function. The main reason to use Gigolo is to mount remote filesystems easily, and without having to use the terminal, and to save passwords in your keychain. The solution to the problem is to perform the following tasks: sudo opkg install gvfsd-sftp sshfs-fuse sudo mousepad /etc/modutils/fuse type "fuse" save and quit sudo update-modules
222ApplicationBug ReportLowLogin Screen does not accept all symbols of the form Fn...Unconfirmed
Task Description Problem - Login Screen does not accept all symbols of the form Fn+char Reproducibility - always Actual results - the characters :?#|$€"‘£¥@!_ do not work on the Login Screen with the Pandora's keyboard. When fn then the corresponding character is pressed, nothing is added to the string. Expected results - these characters should appear just like any other character Work Around - an external keyboard was able to enter these characters Aditional Information - While the characters :?#|$€"‘£¥@!_ do not work, the characters ;/\'-+=`() work just fine.
246ApplicationBug ReportMediumClipboard content of closed app gets tossed instead of ...Unconfirmed
Task Description FLAWED BEHAVIOUR: Copy and paste only works between 2 active applications. This is very limiting! If you are in the single task oriented MiniMenu you have no chance at all to share the clipboard between apps! If you are in the multi tasking oriented XFCE desktop environment you can only share between apps running in parallel! Not with apps which started after the source app has been terminated. DESIRED BEHAVIOUR: The clipboard content (within reasonable limits of course) should remain, regardless of the source application, so that you can paste at any later moment into any application.
 249 ApplicationBug ReportHigh File Browser Thunar - After 2 nub double-clicks unreact ...Closed
Task Description If I navigate via keyboard (KEY UP/DOWN to move in lists, ENTER level down, BACKSPACE level up) I experience no problems at all. I can go many levels up/down, change to other folders, etc. No problems. But if I navigate with the nubs, and using the right-nub-up-direction to trigger a double click, this only works 1-2 times, and from then on, the files/folders in Thunar cannot be clicked any further. I am stuck then. A look into dmesg reveals this: keyboard.c Can't emulate rawcode for keycode 139 The timestamp of that specific keyboard.c error messages exactly correlates with the bug occurrence times. (uptime timestamps matched with dmesg timestamps) I tried alternative filebrowsers such as emelFM2, and there the problem does not exist, meaning I can trigger as many double clicks I want! I am using HotFix 5 Alpha 4 on an SD card. The bug already annoyed me on a HF5 on the NAND.
258ApplicationBug ReportLowMiniMenu: Pressing key multiple times only cycles focus...Unconfirmed
Task Description EXAMPLE: MiniMenu with the option "Subcategories as folders" YES, and the current active tab i.e. "Game" lists: Subgenre folders: ActionGame, AdventureGame, ArcadeGame, BlocksGame, … App items: Abuse, Amoeboax, Arkaniod, Bloqus, … THE BUG: Pressing "A" multiple times only cycles the focus between folders (ActionGame, AdventureGame, ArcadeGame), but never reaches the app items (Abuse, Amoeboax, Arkaniod). BESIDES THIS BUG in the current keyboard item selection logic, I kindly inquire to implement: FS#243
262ApplicationBug ReportMediumMiniMenu: 1) "Notes line" cannot be deleted. 2) Note li...Unconfirmed
Task Description Steps to reproduce the bug(s): 1) In MiniMenu select an arbitrary app. 2) Press SPACE to bring up the contextual menu. 3) Select "Edit notes line 1". 4) Insert your string and confirm. 5) Now at a later time you may decide to remove your note line again. Therefore you select the same app again in MiniMenu, then repeat steps 2-3, but this time: a) Erase all characters so that you get an empty string and then confirm. RESULT: Your change is simply ignored! There should be a possibility within MiniMenu to remove/reset note lines, the simplest being to simply accept an empty string as an input, that's what an average user will try if s/he does not find a dedicated "Delete note line" command. b) As a workaround I tried something and detected yet another bug! As I could not create an empty string, I simply created a note line only containing 1 SPACE character (=the string " ") and confirmed. This got accepted. If MiniMenu is in detailed view mode (press the A-button or TAB in order to bring it up, if it is not already there) and you slide over an app whose note line is " ", MiniMenu crashes! Maybe the bug is connected with the writing to / the parsing from the .OVR (override) files which MiniMenu creates for the affected files, as the separating value in OVR files seems to be TAB, and SPACE is also WHITESPACE, therefore some parsers probably skip/misinterpret this, and MiniMenu then catches an unexpected situation! WORKAROUND: If you ran into the problem, that you cannot get rid of the note lines anymore, simply start a file browser of your choice, navigate to the location of the affected .PND file and find its sister .OVR (override) file and delete it or edit it accordingly!
 263 ApplicationBug ReportCritical MiniMenu with "Auto discover pnd apps?" set to NO hangs ...Closed
Task Description BUG DESCRIPTION: On my SD card with Pandora OS 1.6.4 I changed MiniMenu's setting "Auto discover pnd apps?" to NO, and then the program remained in an endless loop showing "Setting up menu...", crashing, "Setting up menu...", crashing, and so on. BUG REPRODUCTION: The variable filesystem.do_pnd_disco set to the value 0 definetely causes the crash, but maybe only in conjunction with some of my other settings?! Therefore see my attached config file mmpref.conf. Maybe related to  FS#79  , hard to tell, as this is a very minimal report. Definitely not related to my previously reported MiniMenu bug FS#262 WORKAROUND: 1) If your default GUI is: a) MiniMenu: Then after rebooting, MiniMenu will still be caught in an endless loop! Therefore boot up from an auxilary/temporary volume rather than your volume with the damaged MiniMenu! If your ruined system is on the NAND boot from an SD card, if the ruined system is on SD card, boot from NAND or another SD card. In doubt read: b) Other than MiniMenu such as XFCE: Then you are lucky. Simply start into XFCE, and continue with the next step. 2) Open ~/.mmpref.conf with a text editor and set the variable filesystem.do_pnd_disco to the value 1. 3) Reboot into your healed volume.
265ApplicationBug ReportMediumMiniMenu: Flawed tab display of sub-categories if they ...Unconfirmed
Task Description I assigned personal subcategories to some of my games. Some of those subcategories share the same beginning string, i.e: Shooter, ShooterBallistic ShooterScoller. MiniMenu displays those subcategories with flaws! See the ASCII screenshots below. Note: The star symbols indicate the currently active selection. The main category tab "Game" being active: ---------------------------------------------------------- | All | Audio | AudioVideo | Education |*Game*| Graphics | ---------------------------------------------------------- ActionGame AdventureGame ArcadeGame BlocksGame ... Shooter ShooterBallistic ShooterScroller ... GameA GameB GameC ... ---------------------------------------------------------- Now if I navigate into the sub-category "Shooter", everything normal: ---------------------------------------------------------- |*Shooter*| ---------------------------------------------------------- .. ShooterA ShooterB ShooterC ... ---------------------------------------------------------- But if I navigate to the sub-category "ShooterBallistic", strangely MiniMenu shows 2 tabs, "Shooter" and "ShooterBallistic", and jumps right into "Shooter". ---------------------------------------------------------- |*Shooter*| ShooterBallistic | ---------------------------------------------------------- .. ShooterA ShooterB ShooterC ... ---------------------------------------------------------- In order to reach my intended tab "ShooterBallistic" I need to navigate to it again. Annoying. There the contents are as expected: ---------------------------------------------------------- | Shooter |*ShooterBallistic*| ---------------------------------------------------------- .. ShooterBallisticA ShooterBallisticB ShooterBallisticC ---------------------------------------------------------- The flaw is the same for all other sub-categories beginning with "Shooter...". All have the flaw as shown in the example "ShooterBallistic", only that it is themselves instead of "ShooterBallistic". One more example to be perfectly clear: ---------------------------------------------------------- | Shooter |*ShooterScroller*| ---------------------------------------------------------- .. ShooterScrollerA ShooterScrollerB ShooterScrollerC ----------------------------------------------------------
 266 ApplicationBug ReportLow hf6rc: Unable to enter Low Power Mode with lid shut: Closed
Task Description Since hf6rc was installed I am unable to enter low power mode. I did pull up the new lid config settings script and selected switch off screen. Reproducable. Nothing happens when the power switch is moved fully to the right for a short time. I expect it to entry low power mode. quirky for it not too. workaround: easy - enter LPM before closing lid. btw: unable to select hf6 in reported version.
 289 ApplicationBug ReportMedium "sudo find /" produces assertion Closed
Task Description $ sudo find / find: ftsfind.c:477: consider_visiting: Assertion `ent->fts_info == 11 || state.type != 0' failed. Aborted This is fixed by updating findutils to latest version using sudo opkg upgrade findutils Release SuperZaxxon 1.5 (not Beta 3, as given in "Reported Version" field, but there the release cannot be chosen).
 298 ApplicationBug ReportLow Mousepad only searches once Closed
Task Description Whenever I search text in an open Mouspad document, it works fine the first time. As soon as I close the search dialogue and re-open it, the "find" (resp "find and replace" in replace dialogue) button is greyed out and unclickable. (This is the state the dialogue is in before typing anything, but this time, typing doesn't help.) "return" also doesn't work. Only help is closing and reopening Mousepad.
335ApplicationBug ReportLowEvince 2.30 crashes when fullscreenUnconfirmed
Task Description


Evince 2.30 often crashes with the following error message:

(evince:2834): EvinceDocument-CRITICAL **: ev_image_save_tmp: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)' failed
Segmentation fault

How to reproduce: open Evince,  select a PDF file, go into fullscreen mode, then click into the body of the document.

Cheers, Magic Sam

105ApplicationFeature RequestVery LowNubs feature requestNew
Task Description The 'Nubs' application needs a setting for deadzone. Using the nubs in First person shooters the nubs trigger in directions when not even touched. An adjustment for deadzone would eliminate accidental movement caused by vibration. Also, application profiles for the nubs would be very useful. Different apps use the nubs in different ways and it would be great to not have to go and change settings before launching each application.
106ApplicationFeature RequestVery LowAppData corruptionUnconfirmed
Task Description The appdata folder was corrupted on my SD card from an unclean eject this made the folder read only until i ran a repaired it. MiniMenu still displayed all my PND files. When clicking to launch the app would try to load crash and then return to MiniMenu without any visible error. This was pretty confusing and i thought it might be a good fix for a troubleshooting guide.
 153 ApplicationFeature RequestLow [PATCH] HACK: change OPP level according to set Mhz Closed
Task Description It's a hack, use on your own risk as always. I feel like abusing the tracker dropping all my patches here, but whatever. Patch attached.
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