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IDProject  descCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusProgressOperating System
 10 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportHigh Permissions / sudoers isse in 12-21 image Closed
All Task Description pndnotifyd will create .desktop files Running those will fail; if you've just done a recent sudo, they'll run fine Probably sudoers file needs fix
12OpenPandora Main OSCoreTo Do (Reminder)Lowfile association for .pndNew
All Task Description Build the xml file and defaults.list so that pnd_run is file-assocated to .pnd
 13 OpenPandora Main OSCoreTo Do (Reminder)Low verify pndevmapperd is invoking scripts Closed
All Task Description menu button is verified verify power button verify lid open/close
 14 OpenPandora Main OSCoreTo Do (Reminder)Low Add hup of pndnotifyd to .xinitrc Closed
All Task Description Pretty minor risk, but if the guy creates multiple accounts on the machine, and logs out of one and into another .. we'll want to hup pndnotifyd Alternative solution is to poll utmp (or inotify on utmp?) to watch for logins and handle it magicly.
65OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestVery Low.desktop files, be nice if they included the non-englis...New
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description .desktop files only include the English stuff right now (using the .desktop default tags.) Be nice if in addition to 'title', we also include 'title[de]' type extras, whatever is in the PXML.xml pnd_pxml_t includes all the goods, but pnd_disco_t has only the summarized english stuff.
 78 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportVery Low minimenu - zaxxon initial release - doesn't use preview ...Closed
All Task Description Stupid; in the /etc/pandora/conf/mmenu.conf the preview cache is looked for in mmcblk[12]* .. should be [01] or really just /media/*/pandora... etc. So just switch [12] to [01] and works fine. Fixed in the git tree already, so will roll out in a real image build.
 85 OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLow open lid while in low power mode Closed
All Task Description I'm replying in-forum: An interesting point -- opening the lid turning the screen on, but you're still in lower power mode. The question then becomes -- Since you enabled low power mode (using the power switch), thats the logical way to un-low power mode. Two outcomes come to mind .. When opening the lid, one of: i) wake up from low power mode, or ii) Don't turn the screen on when in low power mode (or a variation of (ii) -- flash a warning "hey, I'm in lower power, bugger off, and hit the power switch") I can code something in; probably occured due to in my prototype, I broke the power switch, so I didn't use low power mode near the end ;)
216OpenPandora Main OSApplicationTo Do (Reminder)LowToDo - SD manager tool (backup homedir/restore, prepare...New
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description Should make up a simple zenity script tool .. - backup -> pick SD -> backs up current user's homedor to SD. (tar.gz format so permissions can be kept; not cpio/etc, too annoying for user.) -> keep rolling, or just one copy? - restore -> pick SD -> pick user -> confirm -> wipe home and restore with version from tarball? (or just unpack in-place, so existing new files are kept) -> prepare SD -> pick SD -> mkdir /pandora/menu and /pandora/desktop
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