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IDProjectCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusProgressOperating System
 133 OpenPandora Main OSBase OSFeature RequestLow Add TiMidity++ to OS? Closed
All Task Description Hey, was just wondering if it would be possible to have TiMidity++ ( added with a hotfix, would allow games/ports that use it (the Zelda ports here:, zdoom and heretic (I think unless pickles has changed them) and other stuff that uses it to not have to include it in the .pnd and saving SD space... just an idea...
 103 OpenPandora Main OSBase OSFeature RequestLow OpenAL library in firmware? Closed
All Task Description Is there any chance we can have OpenAL installed as a default library? I'm considering porting some software that requires it (and truth be told I manually compiled and installed it for my own use atm...)
 97 OpenPandora Main OSBase OSFeature RequestLow Missing kernel-module-snd-usb-audio Closed
All Task Description Missing kernel-module-snd-usb-audio would be nice to hook the pandora up to my logitec speakers and have audio out and a hub for hooking up other devices at the same time...
 84 OpenPandora Main OSApplicationBug ReportLow Bluetooth stays on Closed
Release 1 (Zaxxon) Task Description You can enable Bluetooth, but can't disable it afterwards from the system -> toggle bluetooth menu shortcut.
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