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IDProjectCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusProgress  ascOperating System
155OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMediumCritical problems after rescaling GLES2 X windowsUnconfirmed
All Task Description When a X window which is displaying GLES2 render output is: - Either dragged out of the visibile screen region (?) - Is made larger than it was at the creation time of the GLES2 context then: - The performance will drop significantly as the EGL buffer swaps won't occur as fast as before, - The render output will be corrupted and flicker - In rare occasions crashes the application or locks up the entire system (which forces you to remove the battery) The problem can not be solved without restarting the application (Possibly forcing players to complete the same goals again as they were unable to reach a savepoint or similar things). This was confirmed in Mupen64Plus and the PowerVR GLES Samples and some of my own projects (which are, however, based on the PowerVR samples). As I didn't see any other reports about this problems (but had it confirmed by other Pandora users too) I would expect that it can be fixed by using a newer X, kernel or combination of them as other OMAP users would be effected too.
 175 OpenPandora Main OSCoreTo Do (Reminder)Very Low Test Closed
All Task Description Test if the edit button in the bug tracker works now. //Edit: Blah
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