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IDProjectCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatus  ascProgressOperating System
288OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLowadd functionality to inputrcUnconfirmed
All Task Description Since the default inputrc doesn't contain any functionality (simple cli movements like ctrl-left or crtrl-right to skip words don't work) this diff may be useful to add to the cli-experience. I've also been trying to get the delete-key to work, but this is apparently already a known issue (see FS#227). I can remove this from the diff if you want. (I couldn't attach a file to the task somehow) 31,32c31,33 < # "\e[3~": delete-char < # "\e[2~": quoted-insert --- > #"\e[3~": delete-char > "\e[^?": delete-char > "\e[2~": quoted-insert 44,47c45,50 < # "\e[5C": forward-word < # "\e[5D": backward-word < # "\e\e[C": forward-word < # "\e\e[D": backward-word --- > "\e[1;5C": forward-word > "\e[1;5D": backward-word > "\e[5C": forward-word > "\e[5D": backward-word > "\e\e[C": forward-word > "\e\e[D": backward-word
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