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IDProjectCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusProgressOperating System
 26 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMedium pndevmapperd only works when manually started Closed
All Task Description Though pndevmapperd runs after booting (ps -A lists it), it doesn't react to anything. EDIT: It DOES do something. It creates defunct with each press. When you run it manually from the terminal, the menu button works find and shows the appfinder.
 24 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLow not working Closed
All Task Description Reports: xfce4-appfinder: Cannot open display: . Fix might be (according to vimacs): Change those two similar looking lines to: sudo -u $xfceuser DISPLAY=:0.0 xfce4-appfinder and: pidlist=$(pstree -lpA | grep | sed -ne 's/.*-\(.*\)(\([0-9]\+\))/\2\n \1/p' | DISPLAY=:0.0 zenity --list --multiple --column "pid" --column "name" --title "kill" --text "which apps should be killed" | sed 's/|/\n/') Needs to be checked.
 23 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportVery Low slim-init doesn't pass session to .xinitrc Closed
All Task Description It seems like slim doesn't send the session to .xinitrc I included an "echo $1 >> ~/debug.txt" in the script and the file was completely empty. That's why it always starts xfce4, not pmenu: The fallback is startxfce4.
 22 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLow pndevmapperd: Powerbutton / hold doesn't work. Closed
All Task Description Moving the powerbutton doesn't get recognized by pndevmapperd. When moving the powerbutton to hold, it reports: keyboard.c: can't emulate rawmode for keycode 152
 21 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLow doesn't work correctly Closed
All Task Description The file has to be changed to make it work. The working script is: #!/bin/bash #get value range minbright=3 maxbright=$(cat /sys/devices/platform/twl4030-pwm0-bl/backlight/twl4030-pwm0-bl/max_brightness) curbright=$(cat /sys/devices/platform/twl4030-pwm0-bl/backlight/twl4030-pwm0-bl/brightness) device=/sys/devices/platform/twl4030-pwm0-bl/backlight/twl4030-pwm0-bl/brightness if [ ! $1 ]; then newbright=$(DISPLAY=0:0 zenity --scale --text "set brightness" --min-value=$minbright --max-value=$maxbright --value=$curbright --step 1) else newbright=$1 fi if [ $newbright -le $minbright ]; then newbright=$newbright; fi echo $newbright > $device
 20 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLow pndevmapperd: / Closed
All Task Description pndevmapperd tries to run /usr/pandora/scripts/, however, the filename is /usr/pandora/scripts/ Either rename the file or change the call ;)
 19 OpenPandora Main OSCoreFeature RequestLow XFCE-Menu Editor Closed
All Task Description Add an XFCE-Menu Editor (using python). This way, people can edit the Startmenu :)
 18 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMedium Some errors in Closed
All Task Description Line 154 and 157 need to be changed: 153 if [ $launcher == "xfce" ]; then 154 sed -i 's/.*sessions.*/sessions xfce4,pmenu/g' /etc/slim.conf 155 echo Xfce selected as default interface 156 else 157 sed -i 's/.*sessions.*/sessions pmenu,xfce4/g' /etc/slim.conf 158 echo PMenu selected as default interface 159 fi They should be: 154 sed -i 's/.*sessions .*/sessions xfce4/g' /etc/slim.conf 157 sed -i 's/.*sessions .*/sessions pmenu/g' /etc/slim.conf Note the empty space behind sessions. :)
 15 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMedium Permissions / automounted SD Card Closed
All Task Description Only root has write access to automounted SD Cards. The normal user can only read.
 11 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportHigh Console keymap: Two keys not mapped yet Closed
All Task Description INS (Fn + Del) is not working in console yet. ALT and CTRL are not working in console yet. The rest of the console keys are fine (tested in nano). Keys in X are mapped completely.
 9 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportHigh pmenu doesn't work Closed
All Task Description Running pmenu leads to: ERROR: config_read_file() failed: skins/Platinum/skin.cfg (line 21 of config skin.c) (config_skin.c:22) ERROR: cfg_gui_read failed, exiting... ( main.c:1517)
 8 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportHigh WiFi doesn't work Closed
All Task Description Error inserting /lib/modules/2.6.27-omap1/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1251_sdio.ko: -1 Unknown symbol in module
 7 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLow No help or tips and tricks yet Closed
All Task Description Help is missing as are the tips and tricks on startup.
 6 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportMedium Calibrate Touchscreen within the Settings-Menu of XFCE  ...Closed
All Task Description It doesn't run.
 5 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportHigh Touchscreen Calibration stops the First-Boot-Wizard Closed
All Task Description When selecting the touchscreen calibration within the first-boot-wizard, the script stops after the calibration and the Pandora continues to boot.
 4 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportLow Missing Icons Closed
All Task Description Some icons are missing: XFCE4 Settings Manager: Accessibility, Appearance, Desktop, Display, File Manager, Keyboard, Mouse The icons on the panel (Mail, Web, etc.) are also missing (they're invisibile)
 3 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportHigh Permissions for brightness and CPU Speed Closed
All Task Description /sys/devices/platform/twl4030-pwm0-bl/backlight/twl4030-pwm0-bl/brightness /proc/pandora/cpu_mhz_max Those values cannot be changed by the user, only by root. Should be changed.
 2 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportHigh pndnotifyd Closed
All Task Description pndnotifyd needs to be restarted before it works (tested in image 2009-12-21) This can manually be fixed by installing two packages: And adding to lines to slim.conf: sessionstart_cmd /usr/bin/sessreg -a -l $DISPLAY %user sessionstop_cmd /usr/bin/sessreg -d -l $DISPLAY %user
 1 OpenPandora Main OSCoreBug ReportVery Low Sample Task Closed
All Task Description This isn't a real task. You should close it and start opening some real tasks.
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