Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /srv/www/vhosts/ on line 649 FS#314 : Pandora-Button doesn't open XFCE menu

OpenPandora Main OS

  • Status Closed
  • Percent Complete
  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category Core
  • Operating System Release 1 (Zaxxon)
  • Severity Low
  • Reported Version SuperZaxxon Final 1.53
Attached to Project: OpenPandora Main OS
Opened by AhhhBeeeehhhCeeehhh - 28.02.2013
Last edited by Michael Mrozek - 06.05.2013

FS#314 - Pandora-Button doesn't open XFCE menu

If you enable the "disapear automaticaly" feature in the XFCE panel, the Pandora button doesn't open the main menu anymore and you need to open it manually with the cursor.
Closed by  Michael Mrozek
06.05.2013 01:19
Reason for closing:  Duplicate
Additional comments about closing:  Duplicate of #294
Jeff commented on 28.02.2013 16:07
Is that a bug per se? Sounds sort of like 'If I delete a file, I can't read the file' sort of bug :) The real problem is that the way the pandora button works is to fake a click ni that region; if you minimize the region, or move the Start button somewhere else, it obviously can't work ..not much we can do about it. BNut the user may not be aware of how the mechanism works and thus get themselves into trouble. Originally, we just popped up the Start menu when Pandora button was pressed.. great! But the tool that does that (written by the xfce guys) is braindead.. if you press pandora button twice in a row for example, you'd have two menus up, and xfce would get all confused. Their tool should be smart enough to know not to do that, etc. So.. not entirely sure how to proceed; we don't code XFCE, and the guys who did, left some oddities in. We can try to move to a newer XFCE, which I think is slowly being worked on as part of moving to the .next (next Big Change firmware.)
Joel Makarov commented on 28.02.2013 22:40
Could this be worked around by faking a mouse move to the bottom of the screen first to unhide hidden panels?
Marq Watkin commented on 01.03.2013 12:33
Jeff, it is a bug - in relation to the user experience. The problem is related to the Pandora's menu script. I've reconfigured my system with these changes, and it works perfectly: Settings->Desktop->Keyboard Add new Application Shortcut Key: XF86MenuKB (Pandora button) Command: xfdesktop --menu Commands: sudo mousepad /etc/pandora/conf/eventmap -- In here put a hash before the "Pandora /usr/scripts...." line mv /etc/xdg/autostart/xfce4-settings-helper-autostart.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/xfce4-settings-helper-autostart.desktop.disabled -- Fixes the keyboard processing Optionally, in Settings->Desktop->Settings Editor xfce4-desktop -> desktop-menu -> show-icons : set to TRUE ------------ Regarding the "pops up twice" comment I've heard over and over again. I've used the above method since I got it configured (over a year now I think) and have *never* run into the duplicate menu.
Michael Mrozek commented on 06.05.2013 01:09

I've tried your suggested fix, however, as before, pressing the Pandora button only OPENS the menu at the current position of the mouse.

The desired behaviour is OPEN the menu at the menu-button position using the Pandora button and CLOSE it again on a second press.

There's a function for that (xfce4-popup-menu), but that's the one that creates multiple menus (one with each press).

It seems xfdesktop is neither able to close the menu on second press nor to make it appear directly at the position of the menu button.


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