- Status Unconfirmed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Category Core
- Operating System Release 1 (Zaxxon)
- Severity Low
- Reported Version SuperZaxxon Final 1.53
FS#292 - Can't seek in ogg files using pygame / SDL
Using pygame I try to play a music file starting from some position in the middle::
import pygame
This should start playing the file from the firs minute, instead on the pandora the file plays from the start.
I've tried the same code in a debian (sid) chroot (from extend utils) and it works correctly, as it does on my pc (debian wheezy).
I suspect that the issue may be present also in .next (I've done a very quick test on a friend's pandora).
Some relevant version numbers:
* libogg.so.0.6.0 (on debian libogg.so.0.8.0)
* libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0.10.1 (on debian libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0.12.0)